Author Topic: 2011 - Kinderchicklets / Can you guess???  (Read 4746 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Can you guess???
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2011, 14:29 »
Congratulations Kinderchicklets on your Kindergarten Graduation!

And while you are graduating and having fun at the park on Monday, we will be on the roof of the McKenzie Seeds Building in Brandon banding the Brandon chicks.  And while we are there, we will be able to tell Hurricane and Brooklyn that they will have a new nestbox next year and that the Kinderchicklets in Winnipeg donated their pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies and toonies to help us pay for their new nestbox.  I don't think Hurricane and Brooklyn will understand  ;) but we will tell them anyway!  And when we replace the box, I will make sure to take photos and post them in our photo gallery (Ms French knows where) so you all can see.

Have a great time on Monday, you all did a great job this year at school and for the peregrines!  Have a very happy summer.

Tracy, The Peregrine Chick

Offline Kinderchick

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2011 - Kinderchicklets / Can you guess???
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2011, 10:06 »
The 2011 Kinderchicklets wrapped up their Peregrine Falcon fundraising campaign yesterday, Tracy. They want me to ask you if you can guess how much money they raised? They really don't know yet themselves because I was only able to do the final tally yesterday afternoon, after they had gone home. So I guess both you and they will have to wait till Monday morning to find out. ;) But I will give you a little hint, I will say that it is over $100.00! :o That total actually surprised me because there weren't as many Kinderchicklets in our class this year as in past years. I have forwarded the final total to my Principal and on Monday morning, she is planning to present a cheque to the Kinderchicklets from our school, to be donated to the Manitoba Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project. :D

The 'chicklets will be graduating from Kindergarten on Monday morning and we are expecting many parents and grandparents to attend their graduation ceremony. After that, we will head off to St. Vital Park for our annual family picnic. So, while you and Dr. Bob & Larry & Dennis are banding the Brandon chicks, we will be enjoying nature at a park, back here in Winnipeg. Unfortunately, we won't have a chance to view the live banding of the Brandon chicks on Monday, but hopefully, will be able to see the video on Youtube before school is out for the summer next Thursday.