good afternoon,

I have been staying away for a bit after the loss of GG.

:'(After spending 13 hours there on Tuesday, watching her try to get high up on the Maz, I grew very attached. Now I was not supposed to do that this year.
GG on top of roof(click picutre)

I know others ,at other sites, including Manitoba, have losses but this one hit me harder than most. I spend 13 hours a day there, every day and Peter and others come, at 5 to relieve me

,so I can go home, but sometimes I stay later. I am not saying this for a pat on the back or anything, it is just so you understand , that I get to know these kids very well. GG seemed so proud of herself when she ended up on an apartment on Whyte Ave, where she should not have been. I would not have guessed that we would have trouble with her. She made the best first flight of them all. but on Tuesday, she could not get her height. And that is all I am going to say. I am crushed.
By the way others come and watch also, in 3-4 hour shifts. we are very grateful for any help we get. I just want to make that clear , as I am not on a glory trip.
I was out there, before 6am this morning , in the rain, and found all 3 kids and the 2 adults. Everyone is fine. 1 kid was on Windsor apartments(YB) and 2 were on the Maz. Mom was on her aerial and dad on his. Dad made a fly by and got the kids all riled up and so off they went. YB flew over and the games began , for a short while. Dad went out and one kid ended up high on clinical science and 2 on Maz. Marlene came out in rain , and after we had a coffee , I told her she could leave .( not that I order people around

) I am under the weather today so after another look , I felt confident that they would not do too much today.
Just before I left ,Dad landed on Newton place and YB flew over and knocked him off his perch and stayed there. Dad came around and checked on the the other 2 and went in out of the rain.
Peter and Bob and Carol will be down there after work. Jean, who lives in the apartments, is keeping an eye on things from her place. As I type this it is still raining.
Our 3 are flying well. Peter just loves this time. I look through my fingers ,at times, as they come so close to the buildings. When the 2 boys were playing tag yesterday, mom came and played with RG. They are so fast. RG has just amazed me, after her struggles on Tuesday, along with GG.
I watched them both glance off the Maz 4 times. they just could not get the height that day. They are so big , that there was not enough room and they had not learned to circle around .
YB is our grown up. Even thought he can be a stinker, the adults seem to use him to help out the others. When BB caught caught by the wind the other nihgt , YB flew out and brought him back, although we had to look for BB . BB was tucked in behind Jeans' building. On TuesdayYB was already in training, trying to catch the food ,dad had in his talons. He learns quickly. BB joined in on the action.
I guess I am long winded

;)so this is continued on next reply