sunday july24Sunday, july24/2011 Clinical scienceBEcky and DAve were there before us and they had seen an adult in vent at back of Ed building. this is where Damon always went. We were commenting on that earlier in the week.HMmmmmmm
REd was on corner of ED building and Radisson was on the back part of Ed (extension). Dad was on corner of Med science building.
Peter and I found one on south face of roof of clinical science and then one on north corner of Clinical science.
All of a sudden RG flew, squawking , down to back of Maz. We think Dad made a drop that we did not see becasue now the other 2 kids went flying over there and then we have 3 flying in the air. all kids , or 2 kids and an adult?

Mom was still on back of Ed.
When things settled down we have 2 on Maz and one on clinical science. After a nice breakfast at coffee shop(we can see from there), we went walking down to parkade by clinical.
the parents were way up soaring, 2 kids were on top ledge of College plaza,facing west and one kid was on top of Maz facing south. We could not see parents anymore.
the we saw something big soaring too clsoe to our area. We looked and it was an eagle. Kid on Maz, let out alarm call and all were still. So we think it was YB on MAz, appointed to babysit. The eagle did not stay in area too long and we know if mom and dad had been close by, it would have been run out of there.
so impressed with these kids.
Jean has photos of BB and Dad eating on a ledge . that eases my mind as he is the runt and he had to be beak fed for quite a while, even after fledging. but Jean says he can do it himself now

With 3 kids in sight , we left.
We are getting ready to head down again in a bit.
I will post picutres, as I said later. I will do some slldeshows with commentary. Just too much for me right now.
We had posted picutres a few years ago of the buildings ,so you knew where they were. I am sure you have forgotten, so when I post picutres , I will post buildings again.