Author Topic: NY / Rochester - 2008-15  (Read 56460 times)

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Offline maggieblue

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Re: Rochester - 2008 / Kaver & Mariah
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2008, 09:01 »
Some good news.  There is a report on the Rochester site about the installation of a new nest box.  It sounds like a great location and hopefully Mariah will find it to her liking.  They also plan to install a second box at another location to give one more option.

Offline maggieblue

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Re: Rochester - 2008 / Kaver & Mariah
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2008, 08:51 »
Thanks for the positive news on Kaver.

Offline carly

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Re: Rochester - 2008 / Kaver & Mariah
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2008, 06:59 »
Thank you Alison.  I just woke up and the first thing I've done is come here to check if you had any news.  I'm sad a falcon passed expecially another male  :( :( but I am so relieved it's not Mariah's mate Kaver.  She's already lost her regular home and didn't want her to have lost her mate too. They're such a fabulous pair, hopeful to know they'll be finding a new home together  :D :D :D
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 07:11 by carly »

Offline Alison

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Re: Rochester - 2008 / Kaver & Mariah
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2008, 22:40 »
It's not Kaver!

A great update from Jess this evening:

We're very happy to announce that we're confident the deceased Peregrine that was picked up at the University of Rochester on Saturday, October 4, was not Kaver!

After reviewing the photographs that Carol took of the dead falcon, we were fairly certain. There were just too many differences, especially in the color and shading of the falcon's bill. But the breakthrough came after some additional sleuthing by Carol, Mike Allen and Kathy O. It turns out that the report of the dead falcon came into the University's maintenance department at 4:57 PM on Saturday. Well, as it turned out, Kathy observed Kaver and Mariah together on the chase tower, where he stayed until 5:30! Proof positive came from Kathy's cell phone camera. She took a picture of Mariah and Kaver, and sure enough, the timestamp was 5:30PM. Just to be extra sure, Kathy took another picture tonight to confirm that the timestamp was accurate. You gotta love technology!

Sorry we kept everyone waitng so long for an answer, but we wanted to be as sure as we could be. Now we can say that we're sure. We appreciate everyone's patience through what we know was a very trying time.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 21:20 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline carly

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Re: Rochester - 2008 / Kaver & Mariah
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 21:24 »
Nooooooooooooooooooo  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Offline Alison

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Re: Rochester - 2008 / Kaver & Mariah
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2008, 21:10 »
Potentially some very bad news, but no answers are available yet.

From Jess on October 9:

"We wanted to let you know that we were contacted by the DEC's Mike Allen yesterday, with news that he had recovered the body of an unbanded adult male Peregrine near the University of Rochester campus. It is apparently in good condition, and we've asked Mike to send us some pictures so that we can attempt an ID. Unfortunately we don't have any other details right now.

There are a lot of migrants passing through the area since we're getting into the migration season. Watchers report that Kaver was last seen in the area over the weekend, but a lack of a recent sighting could be pure coincidence.

We are not speculating as to the possible identity of the bird that Mike recovered, and we'd like to ask for everyone's patience until we can find out more details. As soon as we have more information we'll be sure to bring it to you."

And from today:

"We received a few pictures of the deceased peregrine this evening courtesy of Carol P. Everyone at the Rochester Falconcam will be carefully Comparing the photos to images in our archive. Hopefully after everyone has had a chance to evaluate the images the group will be able to form a consensus with a fair degree of confidence. Of course, making a conclusive ID may not be possible even with the pictures, so we hope you'll understand our reluctance to provide individual opinions.

We're also hoping to nail down the time of the bird strike, which occurred this past Saturday. There was a confirmed Kaver sighting at 5:00PM on that day. Mike is working with the University to try to get more information.

We recognize that everyone has a lot of affection for Kaver, and we know that you're all anxious for answers. Please continue to be patient a bit longer, to give the team time to compare the photos. As soon as we come to a conclusion, (or decide that we can't) we'll let everyone know."

I hate to hear of this happening to any of these beautiful birds, but please, please don't let it be Kaver . . .
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 21:19 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline maggieblue

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Re: Rochester - 2008 / Kaver & Mariah
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2008, 11:33 »
Even though there is no longer an active webcam here it is worth checking in as there are regular updates being provided on the juvenile Quest. For those of you who haven't followed the Rochester site, Mariah fledged another 5 young this year bringing her 11 year total to 43.  No wonder she is referred to as "the legendary Mariah" .  One of the larger females was named Quest and was fitted with a transmitter. In the Imprints section of the website there are updates of her travels east and great links to pictures of her on Cape Cod.  It sounds like a Peregrine paradise. :)

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Rochester - 2008 / Kaver & Mariah
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2008, 17:50 »
Too funny I was just looking at this website.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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NY / Rochester - 2008-15
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2008, 17:43 »

The Fab Five on the Kodak Tower in Rochester, New York

Rochester Falcon Cam

The chicks are fledging, but you can identify the chicks from band colours - the list is on the main page.  They have also outfitted one of the chicks with a transmitter.  This one is on a harness and they will be able to track the bird's progress until the transmitter dies, falls off or the bird dies.  Since mortality is highest in the first year, its a great way to be able to track where the young birds travel during this most dangerous of times.  Will it save the bird if it is injured?  Depends on where the bird happens to be. The transmitter won't tell you if the bird is injured, just that its not moving.  And not everywhere is accessible.  The transmitters aren't on all the time, you download the locations at regular intervals.