Just for fun, Tracy, I thought I'd post some of the Kinderchicklet's suggestions for fixing the webcam... Their suggestions made me laugh, so that has helped with our frustration of not being able to view the chicks very well this year and hardly or not at all these past few days.

Anyway, here goes...
1) "Does it need to be plugged in? Maybe it has come unplugged."

2) "Does it need batteries? Maybe Tracy could buy some new batteries with our money."

3) "Does it need to be oiled? My dad oils machines like our lawnmower."

And my all time favourite...
4) "Did the chicks break the camera by pecking at it? Maybe their dad Ivy taught them to peck at the camera and now they broke it. I don't think their mom, Princess will be very happy about that. They might be in big trouble when she gets home"

So maybe we can all have a little chuckle about these suggestions and at least be thankful that we have peregrine falcon chicks at all, here in Winnipeg.