Manitoba Peregrines > Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Saskatoon - 2008 / ? & Donna
The Peregrine Chick:
For the first time in a number of years, there are peregrines nesting again in Saskatoon. The female is from the 2005 nest at the McKenzie Seeds Building in Brandon and her name is Donna. She is a great-grandkid of the original Delta Pair, Maud & Pop. Her mate is being very coy about letting the Project in Saskatoon read his band numbers (if he even has bands) but they are going to keep trying. Donna is currently incubating 6 eggs (perhaps a record number!) but we have no idea when they are going to hatch.
The Saskatoon Project doesn't have a website or a webcam this year as it has been a few years since they have had a nesting pair. We will be posting information about their pair here on their behalf.
Keep tuned!
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