Author Topic: 2010 - Kinderchicklets / Can you guess, Tracy?!  (Read 4952 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Can you guess, Tracy?!
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2010, 16:05 »
Today, we made a nestbox at school, for our pine-cone peregrine chicks, Tracy, complete with fresh pebbles from the backyard of our school. It is really cool, just like the real nestbox that is downtown! 8) Many of the Kinderchicklets had already taken their "chicks" home by the time you asked for photos. But when I told them that you wanted me to take photos and that you would post them on the Forum, several of the 'chicklets brought their PCPC's back to school... So today I took some photos and will try to send them to you via e-mail this weekend and you can post them somewhere on the Forum. :D

Our nestbox has 4 pine-cone peregrine chicks, just like the ones on the roof of the Radisson Hotel downtown. And we even have a "Princess" and an "Ivy" to feed them and watch over them when it rains! ;)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Can you guess, Tracy?!
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 19:06 »
Well, the "Peregrine Falcons" is a wonderful name for a team!  Great choice!!

And I am so glad the you all are old enough to know that TPC means "the Peregrine Chick" and not "the Pine Cone"  ;)  And thank you, I would love it if you could make me a Pine Cone Peregrine Chick (a PCPC), but only if you all have time before the end of school, I don't want you taking home homework during the summer holidays!!

As for the photos, if you can get Ms French to take the photos, I can find a place to post them on the Project's Photo Gallery, don't you worry!

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Can you guess, Tracy?!
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2010, 15:40 »
I think "Kinderchicklets" is a great name for your team!!  But I guess there were lots of other names you could have chosen ... "Trey's Team" or "Radisson Raiders" ...
Well, you were very close, Tracy, but you didn't guess the right answer.  ::) The Kinderchicklets would like to know if you would you like to have another guess or should we just tell you? :-\ Okay, we know that you are a very busy chick so we will just tell you... Our team was called the "Peregrine Falcons"!  ;D Wasn't that a great name! 8)

And did you take any photos of your pine-cone peregrine chicks?  If you did, we can post them here on the Forum and in our photo gallery for everyone to see!! 
I have not had time to take any photos of the 'chicklets pine-cone Peregrine Falcon chicks yet, but hope to do so next week and then maybe I can figure out how to post them to the Forum for you to put in the photo gallery. The Kinderchicklets and their families would be VERY excited about that! :-* If I can't figure out how to post the photos, I may just have to invite Dennis over here to our school to take photos and post them! ;) 8) LOL!

In the meantime, the 'chicklets want me to tell you that if you want to make your very own pine-cone Peregrine Falcon chick, Tracy, you need to find a pine-cone (one from the ground, don't pull one off a tree! :o), glue 2 little googly eyes and a teeny weeny little triangle beak on the front and then glue on 2 teeny weeny pipe cleaners for feet on the bottom and a few craft feathers on the sides and voila! There you have it! A pine-cone Peregrine Falcon chick!  ;D

But just in case you are too busy looking after the Radisson falcon chicks, they have even offered to make one for you! How about that?!  ;D

Oh... and one more thing, Tracy, they also wanted me to tell you that you must be a "silly billy" because they DO know that YOU are not a pine-cone! ;) After all, they are 5 and 6 years old, don't you know?! ;D

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Can you guess, Tracy?!
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2010, 11:29 »
Hey Kinderchicklets,

I think "Kinderchicklets" is a great name for your team!!  But I guess there were lots of other names you could have chosen ... "Trey's Team" or "Radisson Raiders" ...

So what did you call yourselves?  And did you take any photos of your pine-cone peregrine chicks?  If you did, we can post them here on the Forum and in our photo gallery for everyone to see!!  If you didn't take photos, you will have to tell me all about making them and how they turned out and of course, if it was fun, I've never made pine-cone peregrine chicks before  :'( ....

The Peregrine Chick (and I'm not a pine cone!)

Offline Kinderchick

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2010 - Kinderchicklets / Can you guess, Tracy?!
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2010, 13:51 »
The Kinderchicklets were involved with a "Children's Festival" here at their school today, TPC. They made all kinds of crafts at each of the different stations and one of the crafts involved making baby Peregrine Falcon chicks out of pine cones and feathers. ;D

Each of the classes (Kdgn.-Gr.3) had to think of a name for their team. The 'chicklets want me to ask you if you can guess what we picked for our team's name?  It's a very cool name and we're sure that you would really like it alot! 8) Can you guess, Tracy?! ;)