Hi KinderChicks
I'm glad you are enjoying the camera again this year. I am happy that our cameras can give you a little close-up look at Mother Nature and her Falcons.
So, you think you saw me on the camera yesterday. Well, the van that you saw was not mine. I have a blue truck, and I usually park in the back of the building. But, by the time you are reading this on Wednesday morning, I will likely be at the Radisson, and working to replace the camera so you can see into the nest box once again. I might even wave to you if you are watching, and I have a chance.
Have a great day today, and enjoy our Chicks !!
Larry the camera guy. Thanks for sending this message to the Kinderchicklets via a private message to me this morning, Larry! They were thrilled to hear from you!

The 'chicklets were also very interested to hear about your blue truck and will be watching for it, next time the Sky Cam is up!

They were very happy that you were able to get the new nestbox webcam working and they finally had a few minutes to see the chicks, while Princess and Ivy were away from the nestbox. I'm thinking that Princess and Ivy were probably close by and they must have been squawking at you to "leave our chicks alone!", as Tracy would say.
The Kinderchicklets did not get to see you waving at them but I told them that you were very busy trying to install the new nestbox webcam and then get out of there before Princess and Ivy attacked you!

They wanted to know if Tracy was helping you up there on the roof of the Radisson Hotel...

I told them that she probably wasn't up there helping you because you are the "camera guy". So then they asked me: "Well then, what does Tracy do?! LOL!
I told the 'chicklets that you are a scientist, Tracy and that you watch over Princess and Ivy and the chicks to make sure that they are healthy and well. I hope that I answered them correctly, TPC. If not, please feel free to jump into the conversation.