Author Topic: 2010 - Kinderchicklets / How Do They Catch Them?!  (Read 4823 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: How Do They Catch Them?!
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2010, 13:56 »
Thank you for all of this information, TPC! The Kinderchicklets were very excited about learning a new word today - the word "cache". :D And talk about "out of the mouths of babes", after you referred to Pigeons as Peregrine Kraft Dinner, one of the 'chicklets asked if Princess & Ivy like to put sauce on their Kraft Dinner, like he does at home?! LOL!!!  ;D

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: How Do They Catch Them?!
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2010, 16:03 »
Hey Kinderchicklets!

Sorry, I almost missed answering this question!

So, how do the peregrines catch their dinner.  First they have to decide on what they want.  If they have chicks, that means they need food very fast because the chicks are like kinderchicklets, they are always hungry!  So if they are looking for "chick food", they might go far away to find it, but usually they catch it near the nestsite and most of the "chick food" near the nestsite are pigeons.  But pigeons are fast, so the peregrines have to be faster and it helps if the pigeon doesn't know the peregrine wants them for dinner.  So the peregrines go high up in the sky, above where the pigeons are flying and then they dive down and catch the pigeon with their feet.  We like to call pigeons "peregrine KD"  ;) because the chicks, like lots of kinderchicklets, really really like KD. 

Now if the peregrines want something else (its boring eating KD all the time), they will go to the Red River or the Assiniboine River or even up to one of the marshes (Oak Hammock Marsh or the Netley-Libau Marsh) to find shorebirds (like sora rails) and ducks (like teals).  If they should catch something as bit as a mallard duck, they can't bring it back to the nest because its just too heavy for them to fly with, so they have to it there - a bit like when you go out to eat at restaurant - you eat most of the food there, but if you have leftovers, you bring them home for the next day.  The peregrines will do the same if they can.  You have a refrigerator where your Mum and Dad put food in.  The peregrines have what is called a "cache", its a place where they can store food for the chicks or so they can food when the weather is really cold or wet or windy.

So the next time your Mum or Dad put food in the refrigerator, you can say that Ivy and Princess do the same thing in their cache!

The Peregrine Chick

Offline Kinderchick

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2010 - Kinderchicklets / How Do They Catch Them?!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 19:45 »
Now that the Kinderchicklets know what Princess and Ivy like to eat, they would like to know how they catch their supper... and where do they go to catch their supper, Tracy? ??? Of course, I have told them that there are lots of pigeons in the downtown area, but as you have said, that is not their favourite meal!  :P  Many of the 'chicklets have been to "the Forks" near the downtown area and are wondering if Princess and Ivy ever fly down in that direction, looking for their supper. :-\ Are there Sora Rails and Blue Winged Teals anywhere nearby? ???