Author Topic: 2010 - Kinderchicklets / What's For Supper?  (Read 5174 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: What's For Supper?
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2010, 12:30 »
Hey Kinderchicklets,

The peregrines don't like ketchup I'm afraid  ;)  But they do like pigeon this year!!  Yesterday I watched Princess bring in a big pigeon for them but when one of the chicks stole a piece and ran to the back of the nestbox with it, Princess took the rest of the pigeon away with her.  I guess she was saying "if you are going to be greedy you are going to have to wait until your daddy comes home for dinner"!

Not to worry, Princess and Ivy have been feeding the Radisson chicks very well - I think they will be ready to fly in the next 7-10 days they are all growing so fast!!

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Re: What's For Supper?
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2010, 17:34 »
We haven't been able to get the webcam working since about 10:00 AM here at school, Tracy. But the Kinderchicklets did manage to see a nice juicy piece of "bird wing breakfast" early this morning, blood and all. 8) At first, a few of them wondered if you (TPC) had gone up to the nestbox with some "ketchup dip"! ::) Others were able to realize that it was blood on the "bird wing breakfast", so they all came running for a look-see! :P Some said "Ew...gross", while others thought it was "cool"! 8)

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Re: What's For Supper?
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2010, 20:09 »
The Kinderchicklets were so interested in learning some new BIG words - "omnivores", "herbivores", "insectivores" and "carnivores". They love to learn new BIG words! ;D So now they have learned that Princess and Ivy are "carnivores" and they are "omnivores". They wanted me to let you know that they will try to eat some vegetables evey day, Tracy, so they can grow healthy and strong, like Princess and Ivy! ;D

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: What's For Supper?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2010, 09:44 »
Hey Kinderchicklets!

Good question.  Our parents are always telling us that we need to have a healthy balanced diet in order to grow big and strong.  And they are right.  Humans are omnivores, that means that our bodies have evolved to digest both plants and meat.  Some animals, like cows, are eat just plants (they are called herbivores) and some, like polar bears, eat just meat (they are carnivores).  For the environment, its important that we have omnivores, herbivores and carnivores in order to have a healthy environment, just the same way its important for humans to have a balanced diet to stay healthy.  If we just had herbivores, then there would lots of cows, no grass and lots of cow poop.  ;)  With a carnivore that hunts the cows for meat, then we have fewer cows (the healthy ones run faster than the carnivore), more grass and less cow poop and some carnivore poop.  And that keeps the environment healthy.

Now you were asking specifically about the peregrines ... well some birds eat seeds (they are herbivores), some birds eat insects (they are insectivores) and some eat other animals (they are carnivores).  Peregrines primarily eat birds and sometimes small mammals, like bats so they are carnivores.   For the peregrines, eating a variety of birds, like pigeon (which is like Kraft dinner for them!), small ducks (like a blue-winged teal or a pied-billed grebe), northern flickers, black-billed cuckoos and shorebirds like Sora Rails.  I know your teacher has been showing you photos of the kinds of things that the peregrines eat and now you know that its important to have herbivores and carnivores to keep the environment healthy!!

Now don't forget to eat your vegetables, we want you all to grow up strong like the peregrines!!

The Peregrine Chick

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2010 - Kinderchicklets / What's For Supper?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2010, 14:38 »
The Kinderchicklets and their teacher can't wait till the webcam is turned on, Tracy. In the meantime, we have been looking at Dennis and Larry's photos of Princess and Ivy. They have asked me about what they like to eat and I have shown them photos of Sora Rails and  Blue Winged Teals, that you posted posted for last years 'chicklets. I have told them they like to eat Pigeons too, even though it's not their favourite dinner! ::) So now they want to know why Princess and Ivy don't eat any fruits and vegetables? ???