Author Topic: OH / Akron - 2010-12  (Read 3467 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Akron - 2012 / McKinley & Chesapeake
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2012, 20:12 »
This is very sad news, especially given that he was likely the oldest paired male in the state. :'(

Offline carly

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Akron - 2012 / McKinley & Chesapeake
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2012, 15:36 »

Sadly, Bandit was lost just a few weeks ago.    As posted by C&C on Feb 28th to the CMNH site.  A new male has been seen recently with Chesapeake

"I just picked up Bandit (3/*p) from downtown Akron. He was found dead with a mourning dove in his talons. He was found inside of the glass bus shelter at the corner of Main and Bowery. It appears that he flew in chasing a dove, caught it and then hit the glass and broke his neck.

I was able to ID Chesapeake (*P/*S) on the corner of the PNC Bank building. I did not observe any other falcons in the area.

Interestingly enough Bandit most likely is/was then oldest paired male in the state. According to the files he was from the Detroit Book Building in 1995, which would make him 17+ years old. He has been in Akron since 1998 and was in rehab at least 2 times (once in 2001 and again in 2005).

Full details and tribute to the legendary Bandit here:

Offline Alison

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Re: Akron - 2010 / Bandit & Chesapeake
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2010, 16:12 »
According to Chad and Chris, who attended the banding, the three chicks are all male.

Chad and Chris named them Dillinger, Capone and Nelson, in keeping with Bandit's name.

Offline Alison

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Re: Akron - 2010 / Bandit & Chesapeake
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2010, 19:23 »
Bandit and Chesapeake have three chicks this year, and the chicks have now been banded:

Falcon chicks land some accessories (with video)

Tuesday was banding day for Akron's peregrine falcons.  Workers from the Ohio Natural Resources Division of Wildlife climbed to the top of the Landmark Building at the corner of South Main and West Bowery streets to access the nest to band the chicks.  Akron's peregrine couple, Chesapeake and Bandit, successfully hatched three chicks this spring. Officials band the chicks so they are able to identify the birds in the future.

Other area nests include one in downtown Canton. That nest has three chicks and officials banded those young birds earlier this month.  The area's other remaining known nest is on the Ohio Turnpike bridge over the Cuyahoga River in Boston Township. Officials are unsure how many eggs hatched in that nest because it is not accessible.

There is a short video with the article.

Offline carly

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Re: Akron - 2010 / Bandit & Chesapeake
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2010, 20:58 »
Great news Alison and hope that other pair has moved on and found themselves a nice home elsewhere!  12 and 15 years old, woohoo!!  You go guys!

Offline Alison

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Re: Akron - 2010 / Bandit & Chesapeake
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2010, 16:27 »
An update on the Akron nest from Tom Henry, posted on the Cleveland site:

i just thought someone would like an update on the Akron Falcons... I made a visit to the Akron nest site on Friday afternoon to check the status of the nest after the Division of Wildlife received a report that a 2nd pair of falcons were seen harassing the resident birds earlier in the week. I found both Bandit & Chesepeake taking turns incubating a clutch of 4 eggs in the nest tray on the Landmark Building. If the start of incubation date is correct and harassment by other birds had no detrimental affect, these eggs should hatch sometime next week.


Congratulations to Bandit (15 years old) and Chesapeake (12 years old) on their four eggs!

Offline allikat

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Re: Akron - 2010 / Bandit & Chesapeake
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2010, 23:14 »
Look at these two falcons!!!!  <whistle whistle>

They are both very beautiful falcons! 

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Akron - 2010 / Bandit & Chesapeake
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2010, 20:43 »
What beautiful photos of Bandit and Chesapeake! Thanks for posting them, Alison. :D

Offline Alison

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OH / Akron - 2010-12
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2010, 16:46 »

Bandit and Chesapeake are the long-time resident peregrines at the Akron nest. There is no webcam at this site.

Bandit                                                                             Chesapeake

These photos are by Chad and Chris, and were taken on banding day 2004.

Bandit and Chesapeake have raised many chicks over the years, including Cheyenne, the new mate of Seneca from Rochester, and O'Connor in Ontario.