Author Topic: OH / Cleveland - Cleveland Clinic - 2010  (Read 7195 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: Cleveland - Cleveland Clinic - 2010 / Dipper & Ely
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2010, 20:45 »
That was heart breaking Alison.  I onlly pray that if Rocky migrates again for the winter, she doesn't decide to try doing that again..but I wonder about her.  She didn't seem to be interested in Dipper just staring at herself in the glass windows..weird.  She's her father's daughter no doubt.

Offline Alison

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Re: Cleveland - Cleveland Clinic - 2010 / Dipper & Ely
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2010, 18:07 »
Updates on this site:

For a time, Lara went back and forth between this nest and her own nest site at the I-80 Bridge, where Rocky had reappeared. Then Diana from the Shaker Heights nest also showed up here with Dipper.  And a third female, Ely, black/black 85/X, born in 2008 at the King Street nest in Toronto, also arrived.

Lara eventually went home to the I-80 bridge site, where she and Rocky are incubating eggs.  Diana returned to Shaker Heights, where she found a new mate, Stator, and they are incubating eggs.  And Ely is Dipper's new mate; they are also incubating eggs.

Ely is a beauty. Chad and Chris captured some great photos of her just after she laid her first egg:

The only loser in this whole soap opera was Cade.  :'( I have no idea why Lara showed up here and injured Cade so badly that she had to be euthanized, and then went home again in the end.

Offline Alison

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Re: Cleveland - Cleveland Clinic - 2010 / Dipper & Ely
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2010, 19:20 »
Don't give up on Rocky quite yet ... its only the beginning of February and they aren't ready to nest quite yet.  Until Lara actually lays eggs nothing is set in stone ... last year was a good example of that.  Makes for an exciting start to the season though  :D

I would never give up on Rocky . . . and the posts below from Lisa in Cleveland on February 3 may well be good news:

Drove down CVNP to look for Rocky this afternoon after my fruitless search for the CVNP eagles. Rocky was sitting on one of the bridge supports all by his lonesome! I sure hope he finds another female!

Well, at least I think it was Rocky. It was definitely a peregrine on the bridge support but I didn't have my scope so I can't say I could see any part of the bands.

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Re: Cleveland - Cleveland Clinic - 2010 / Dipper & Ely
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2010, 17:16 »
Don't give up on Rocky quite yet ... it's only the beginning of February and they aren't ready to nest quite yet.  Until Lara actually lays eggs nothing is set in stone ... last year was a good example of that.  Makes for an exciting start to the season though  :D

Offline bev.

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Re: Cleveland - Cleveland Clinic - 2010 / Dipper & Ely
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2010, 22:15 »
Wherever the males go, a lot of them come back later so this is early yet, and some think the weather has something to do with it.
I am no expert but I am dreading going through this in the spring.
and sometimes for no reason we know of they find new mates elsewhere.

Keep your fingers crossed

Offline carly

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Re: Cleveland - Cleveland Clinic - 2010 / Dipper & Ely
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 05:15 »
Cade was gorgeous, I'm so sad that she was taken at such a young age.  And trying to be excited about Lara being there is hard as Cade was lost and now Rocky is MIA...

I know it's the way of the PF's but so much loss this past year.  And so many males going's not a good sign for their recovery.

Thank you for the photos and the all the updates Alison.  I am really hoping Rocky turns up okay.

Offline Alison

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Re: Cleveland - Cleveland Clinic - 2010 / Dipper & Ely
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 19:54 »
It would seem that Cade had been in a territorial battle. Chad and Chris checked the Cleveland Clinic site on January 28, and found a new female there.

Yesterday they were able to identify her -- and the shocking news is that she is 06/W, Lara, from Etobicoke, who has been the mate of Rocky at the I-80 Turnpike Bridge nest. Last year they had four chicks, of whom two survived, Towpath and Canal.

So now the question is whether something has happened to Rocky. Chad and Chris checked that site today, and found no peregrines there. I so much hope Rocky is okay. He is only three years old, and is the last son of the legendary Buckeye of Hilliard Road Bridge and his mate Hillary.

Lara, with her bands clearly visible: photos by Chad and Chris.


Offline Alison

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OH / Cleveland - Cleveland Clinic - 2010
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 19:45 »

The falcons at this site have been Cade and Dipper since 2008. Cade, the female, was born in Syracuse in 2006, a daughter of Fancy and Groucho. Dipper was born in 2007 at Bank One in Canton, a son of Maverick and Priscilla. When he showed up at the Cleveland Clinic he was still wearing his juvenile plumage.

Very sad news from Harvey about this site on January 27:

Unfortunate News from the Cleveland Clinic Site - Cade was picked up by CMNH wildlife staff on Tuesday, 1/26/10. She was found grounded on the campus of CWRU with evidence of head trauma. She was transported to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo for emergency treatment. Her prognosis is not good. She will be transferred to the Medina Raptor Center for further treatment and evaluation today. More information will be posted as we learn her fate.

And an update from Chad and Chris on the same date:

We received the sad news from Laura Jordan this morning that Cade was euthanized. They didn't think that she would have been able to recover from the injuries that she sustained. It's likely that this was a battle with another female, so we will be checking to see if a new female is there with Dipper. We enjoyed watching her in the short time that she was at the CC, but at least she did have one successful nesting season.

Cade was only three years old. She and Dipper had one clutch last year.  Cade was truly beautiful: