I just got home from spending a wonderful morning watching the birdies. So nice not to have to leave at a particular hour to get to work.
I was standing in the parking lot and up rolls Dennis. Had a nice chat with him and along comes Eye-spy. Well the three of us started with the witty reparte that we have become quite well-known for and laughing our fool heads off. Sweet
Dennis was taking pictures like mad, ES and I were talking with passers-by.
It was a fairly quiet morning for our birdies. The Brat has been identified by Dennis as Nero, our boy-bah-boy. And yes, he went after Beau a couple of times today.
After Dennis left, we just sat back in our lawnchairs and watched the birdies.
At one point, Beau started to yack and fly around the building. He was agitated about something. Sure enough, over our heads from behind, came Jules chasing a hawk. No kidding y'all, a hawk.
Beau joined Jules and they both escorted the hawk out of the area.
Were the kids grateful for having their parents be so protective of them....... nope, they just yelled for food.
And that was the watch for today.
I'll be back to the nest site again tomorrow and will fill you in then.