End of last week we had a bunch of crows hanging about in the downtown area, and over the weekend I didn't see hide-nor-feather of any of the peregrines, but this morning's reports are looking more hopeful. As soon as whomever gets close to the camera (and I'm watching) I'll snap a pic and post it on the blog for y'all to see. Though its a bit breezy today, the camera isn't shaking much when I look at the evil ledge or on the east-side sign, so it may even be possible to make a tentative identification (band number is the only way to be sure of course).
Long version: As for y'all to watch on the camera, usually the cam goes live while the birds are incubating, in 2007 it was a week before hatching, last year was a couple + weeks before hatching. Because we don't know where they are going to nest on the building until they actually put an egg in the gravel, the cam doesn't go before then. As for when it goes on after the eggs have been laid, is the decision of CBC Manitoba and they have been wonderful about trying to meet all the Project's needs and the desires of the FalconCam viewers. Short version: We'll let everyone know in advance when the cam is to go live.