Author Topic: Want to Share Photos or Videos with the Project?  (Read 9483 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Want to Share Photos or Videos?
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2013, 13:58 »
Just a little note here, RCF keeps her Photos and videos locked because she has had her Photos stolen and found them on the same site under someone else's name. Needless to say she complained to the site and they rectified it, sad to say its hard to trust anyone in this day and age and I'm an optimist. :(

Which raises a good point, both Dennis and I have locked down our photos as well for the same reason.  But there are always ways around it unfortunately but you do what you can and then you also have options like RCF and you can talk to the gallery provider about illegal downloading.  If someone wanted to add their photos to our gallery, they too would be locked down and we would include their photo credit.   And for folks who have galleries already like RCF, we could include a link to their gallery (or galleries) on their own thread so that there is a central location where folks can check out photos from different sources.

It's just an idea, want to know who might be interested or how we might be able to showcase folks photos/videos.

Offline Rose

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Re: Want to Share Photos or Videos?
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2013, 13:50 »
Just a little note here, RCF keeps her Photos and videos locked because she has had her Photos stolen and found them on the same site under someone else's name. Needless to say she complained to the site and they rectified it, sad to say its hard to trust anyone in this day and age and I'm an optimist. :(

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Want to Share Photos or Videos with the Project?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2013, 13:01 »
A member asked if they could send in photos of the peregrines to be displayed in our photo gallery and the answer is absolutely.  Videos too if folks want to send us the link.  We are happy to look at everyones' photos and include the ones that would be great additions to our photo archives.  Photo credit would remain the photographer's.

Also, have been thinking of including a thread (or threads) here on this board with links to photo/video galleries of our members.  It could be a locked thread with no commenting or we could have a thread for each photographer and folks can post comments/kudos. 

Not sure how many folks want to share their galleries, but if there are any, send me the link to your photo gallery, or to a sub-gallery if you would prefer, with photos of our peregrines and I will be happy to post the link and your screen name and a photo from your collection.  If anyone is interested, just let me know.

If you have other ideas for sharing photos/videos, let me know!