Author Topic: 2011 - Kinderchicklets / Kinderchicklet Graduation  (Read 5635 times)

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2011 - Kinderchicklets / Kinderchicklet Graduation
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 21:21 »
The Kinderchicklets graduated from Kindergarten this morning. It was a lovely ceremony, with almost 90 family and extended family members in attendance. Not bad for a class of 18 students! ;) The 'chicklets sang the song, "What a Wonderful World" for their parents, complete with actions. They received little graduation certificates and grad photos, which I had taken last week.

Near the end of the ceremony, I spoke of the Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project here in Manitoba and asked the 'chicklets to answer a few questions about peregrine falcons, etc. They were able to name all of the adult peregrine falcons and their locations... Princess & Ivy in downtown Winnipeg, Beau & Jules somewhere in West Winnipeg, Cowboy & Kate somewhere near a hospital and Brooklyn & Hurricane in Brandon! We even talked about Solo in Australia! How about that?! 8)

At the end of the ceremony, I announced our grand total from our Peregrine Falcon fundraiser this year... $130.12! Then, as in the past two years, our principal presented the 'chicklets with an enormous cheque, to be donated to the Manitoba Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project, on behalf of our school. Of course, the real cheque will be sent to the Recovery Project via the school division. ;)

After the ceremony, we all headed off to St. Vital Park for a picnic and some fun time. Before leaving for the park, Tracy, I told the 'chicklets and their families that you were in Brandon with Larry & Dennis & Dan & Dr. Bob, banding the Brandon chicks. They were excited to hear the news and can't wait to watch the video.

So, it sounds as if a good day was had by all, including yourself, Tracy. :)