Manitoba Falcon Cam Forum
The Classroom => The Classroom => Questions from our Younger Fans => Topic started by: Cara59 on May 27, 2010, 09:20
Hi "Peregrine Chick",
My name is CaraChick question is will the chicks fly away if you try to touch them? ???
Thank You
Hey CaraChick Amanda
Great question and the answer is yes and no. When the chicks are small like they are now, the won't fly away or run away or anything much if I were to go near them. By the end of June (when you are just starting summer holidays), they will be able to waddle and scoot around on their butts to get away from me though they will probably just try to scratch and bite at me to make me go away instead. By the end of July, when you are halfway through summer holidays, they will still bite and scratch at me but they will also walk, run, hop and fly away if I came anywhere near them.
I try not to go near the chicks very often because they don't understand what I am and what I'm doing so they get very scared. Instead, I watch them on the FalconCam just like you do and I only go up occasionally when I have to do something special, like put leg bands on them or if there is a problem one of the cameras or something like that. Usually I don't have to go up more than 2 or 3 times between the time they are hatched and the time they take their first flight!
And you are very welcome,
The Peregrine Chick