Alison, do you mean the chicks from this year? They only have one left? This years chicks, not last years fledglings? Wow - how does that happen? I don't even know what a gas turbine stack is. :-[
Female: 1687-30290 90/D b/r Gracie Female: 1687-30291 91/D b/r Rosalina Male: 2206-72383 H/24 b/g Gandalf Male: 2206-72384 H/25 b/g Gabba-Gabba |
Okay I had to go look that up...gabba gabba I thought ??? Is that like Yabba Dabba Doo ::) Apparently a childrens show, I'm old :P
Okay I had to go look that up...gabba gabba I thought ??? Is that like Yabba Dabba Doo ::) Apparently a childrens show, I'm old :PUnfortuntely I do know there is a show that there is a song go gabba gabba thank goodness my grandson grew out of it fast listening to it drove me nuts(
Let's hope that next year Dad is a little better with the chicks...Dad managed to get himself out of trouble as I'm sure the female gave him an earfull ::)
Keep in mind, that even with those loses, I believe the survival rates for the species have improved (though some nests might do badly more often than not).
It is wonderful news from Xcel and well and truly above and beyond their responsibility to the birds at their plants. It is perfectly acceptable to project managers to say, "this site just won't work" and remove the nestbox for good. The peregrines are perfectly capable of finding somewhere new, with or without our assistance, though in cases like these, project managers tend to provide them with options nearby in order to retain successful pairs within an existing territory. Good for the birds, good for their fans and good for the project.
Have we seen a band number on Mandy Rose? or are we assuming it is her? ???
Alison, the shots of the well fed Mandy Rose are great to see. I don't think I've realized that the adults get a full crop the way the chicks can.
Does the male at this site have a name or a band number we know of? ???