The Forum > The Forum
Post Images on the Forum
Thanks Tracy! :D
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: Doreen on June 03, 2010, 17:53 ---How do you post pictures?
--- End quote ---
Moved your post here Doreen as it is the best place to start ... ;D
How do you post pictures?
The Peregrine Chick:
I won't host photos for the Forum as that chews into the operating space etc needed to operate the website, forum, blog, etc. If you want to post photos that's not a problem but you will need to host them on an external photo sharing site like PBase, Photobucket, Flickr or Kodakgallery.
To include photos in your post - its the icon beneath the italic I above - the command that will appear is {img}{/img} and then you put the url of your photo between the two commands
{img} {/img}
The brackets on the above example are different - I have used {} so you can see what the code looks like - yours will be [] instead.
I have set up a new board call "Testing Grounds" on "The Forum" Board so folks can try out things first.
What is your take on posting pictures on this forum Tracy.
Something tells me you did not want a lot of that and I am one that posts pictures on other forums from cams etc. so I cannot remeber what you said about that.
I know you let me last year becasue of Radisson but I do not want to break any rules.
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