Author Topic: ON / Ottawa - Delta Hotel - 2009-13  (Read 25080 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2010, 04:54 »
I'm so glad and relieved you saw them kinderchick!  Interesting news about seeing three.  It's sad that no one there even has a clue about them.   :-\

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2010, 21:14 »
Was busy last night, getting ready for my return to Winnipeg today so am finally posting my news of Conner & Diana this evening. Went down to the Crowne-Plaza with a friend late yesterday afternoon. Walked around the hotel area several times, looking for any sign of Conner and/or Diana. Didn't see anything at first, couldn't even see any sign of a nestbox on the roof from down below on the street (I'm sure it was tucked back out of sight). So we ventured into the hotel to inquire about the nestbox and the peregrines, only to be to told that "peregrine falcons are an endangered species so we can't tell you anything more about them."  ::) I did have a little chuckle about this revelation and as the conversation continued, I soon realized that the guy at the information wicket really didn't know anything at all about Conner & Diana. So off we went, out into the street, walking around a few blocks again. After about another half hour, we decided to head back to our car and took one last look up in the sky. Then, I thought I could hear that familiar peregrine falcon squawk... and lo and behold, quite high up in the sky, over above the river, which is not too far from the Crowne-Plaza, I am almost certain that we spotted 3 peregrine falcons. 8) I can't be absolutely sure, but through my friend's binoculars, they sure did look like peregrine falcons, the way they were swooping and gliding. Does anyone know if Conner & Diana had any chicks this year?  :-\ I'm going to check the Ottawa peregrine falcon website homepage and see if I can contact someone there who is monitoring this site. Anyway, we did indeed have fun, kittenface and carly! ;D
« Last Edit: August 20, 2010, 09:44 by Kinderchick »

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2010, 16:08 »
Heading down to the Crowne-Plaza Hotel here in Ottawa with a friend.  :) Phoned the hotel and was connected with someone there who is keeping an eye on Conner and Diana. Was told that they can be seen or heard in the later afternoon. So that is when we will go! :) Sure hope we do see/hear them!  :D Have a pair of excellent binocs, so here's hoping! 8)

Excellent news Kinderchick!  Please let us know if you see them and how they are doing!

Offline kittenface

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2010, 15:45 »
Heading down to the Crowne-Plaza Hotel here in Ottawa with a friend.  :) Phoned the hotel and was connected with someone there who is keeping an eye on Conner and Diana. Was told that they can be seen or heard in the later afternoon. So that is when we will go! :) Sure hope we do see/hear them!  :D Have a pair of excellent binocs, so here's hoping! 8)
I hope you get to see them and have a lot of fun

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2010, 11:24 »
Heading down to the Crowne-Plaza Hotel here in Ottawa with a friend.  :) Phoned the hotel and was connected with someone there who is keeping an eye on Conner and Diana. Was told that they can be seen or heard in the later afternoon. So that is when we will go! :) Sure hope we do see/hear them!  :D Have a pair of excellent binocs, so here's hoping! 8)

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2010, 22:40 »
Biologists here don't look after the sites anymore's strictly a volunteer type of thing if there was a birding association there who was interested...
...All that being said, if you have friends who want to see them then there is nothing stopping them from grabbing some binoculars and hanging out down there to keep tabs on them. 

Thanks, carly. I guess I just assumed that all sites were managed by volunteer scientists (biologists?) like Tracy here in Winnipeg. ::) Guess we are pretty fortunate to have someone with her expertise and commitment here in Winnipeg. 8)
I may head down to the Crowne-Plaza with my own binoculars when I visit my friends in Ottawa in August. :D

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2010, 20:31 »
That has been the same picture for the camera for over a year the falcon has never moved  ::)
Yes, I did notice that, kittenface, every time I have tried to open the webcam. ::) Then who is posting the incorrect observations on the homepage? ??? Does anyone know if there's someone I can contact there (with up-to-date, reliable information - like say, a biologist) who is involved with this site? I can't seem to find any contact info on the homepage. :-\

I don't know if they are incorrect per say..I just know the site is not monitored regularly.  If you only drop by a site once a month or less don't get the entire picture of what is going on.  As far as I know there is no one monitoring that site on a regular basis - it's more like call the one or two people they know and ask them to go check on the site.  I can ask and find out for you if you like.  

Biologists here don't look after the sites anymore's strictly a volunteer type of thing if there was a birding association there who was interested and I don't think there is currently or if the building shows an interest they will contact the MNR/CPF if there is something going on.  If there are young and there is public interest then they will band but otherwise they are being allowed to live without interference.  It was different when they were listed as endangered but they are not anymore in Ontario..they were moved to threatened awhile back.

The MNR is in the process of doing a new count of the Pefa here this year and it is expected they will be de-listing them again.  What does that mean?  Well it means they are doing quite well and with our government being broke and cutting back on costs - they will likely redirect any funds to another species that needs help.  

All that being said, if you have friends who want to see them then there is nothing stopping them from grabbing some binoculars and hanging out down there to keep tabs on them. 
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 20:36 by carly »

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2010, 13:54 »
That has been the same picture for the camera for over a year the falcon has never moved  ::)
Yes, I did notice that, kittenface, every time I have tried to open the webcam. ::) Then who is posting the incorrect observations on the homepage? ??? Does anyone know if there's someone I can contact there (with up-to-date, reliable information - like say, a biologist) who is involved with this site? I can't seem to find any contact info on the homepage. :-\

Offline kittenface

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2010, 13:08 »
Must be new then!  Or old and they fixed it or someone gave me the wrong information...naw that would never happen  :P  ::)
That has been the same picture for the camera for over a year the falcon has never moved  ::)

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2010, 11:47 »
Must be new then!  Or old and they fixed it or someone gave me the wrong information...naw that would never happen  :P  ::)

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2010, 10:23 »
Well, here is the link to the homepage where there appears to be a webcam, carly. :-\

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2010, 20:29 »
No web cam in Ottawa that I ever heard of.  I'd be surprised to be honest about this entire story...the place has had eggs vanish for years 'mysteriously' ...with a door left ajar of course...cause falcons never close the door behind them!  

« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 20:30 by carly »

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2010, 19:30 »
Found this post on the Ottawa-Hull homepage. Very interesting...

!!! Very unusual behaviour!
June 27, 2010 - Ottawa - Crowne Plaza
CPF Postmaster Reports:

"There has been an interesting development with the Ottawa falcons. After more than five weeks of incubating three eggs to no avail, Diana and Connor were expected to abandon their nest. Last Tuesday brought a surprise: While one of the old eggs was fractured and now outside the nest, there were still three eggs in the nest. That means Diana laid another egg while still incubating two of the old ones. By Wednesday, the egg outside the nest was gone, but they continued to incubate three eggs as usual.
This behaviour — adding a new egg to an existing clutch after weeks of incubating - (and whle currently still incubating) — is unusual, to say the least. If anyone has ever encountered this phenomenon before, or can explain it, please let us know.
It’s not likely that the new egg has been fertilized, but we continue to monitor the nest to see what our falcons might do next."

Posted on June 27, 2010 9:50 am
Observation for Ottawa - Crowne Plaza
Photo by Anouk

Does anyone know if this webcam is still up and running? ??? The homepage says it is on all year since it seems these peregrines hang around all year. I have not been able to access the webcam. I have a friend in Ottawa who would like to see this. I will be in Ottawa in mid August so hope to be able to locate the nestsite. 8)

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2010, 12:13 »
Oh, that IS good news, carly! :D

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Ottawa - Crowne Plaza - 2010 / Connor & Diana
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2010, 21:08 »
No news on Connor or Diana lately but a new update on a previous resident.  I love when they hear about someone that is older - she'd be six years old!  You never hear of some of them and figure they maybe didn't make it and then you hear news like this and it just makes you smile   :D

!! Zanar has been located, and with her new family of four!
June 11, 2010 - Ottawa - Crowne Plaza
CPF Postmaster Reports:

We have just received some great news from Mary Beth down in New York state.
She has been closely monitoring the nesting activities of the Ogdensburg bridge peregrines and in addition to finding out that the pair have in fact produced four hatchlings this year, and nesting on the Canadian side,,, she has been able to identify the band number of the resident adult female!
I just checked the band number against our records and we have been able to positively identify the identity of the resident adult female as being named “ Zanar”,, produced at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ottawa Ontario on 2004, banded Black 69 over Black K, with a sliver USFW band # 168705686

Zanar was banded at 25 days old, 920 grams – (empty crop weight), June 11th 2004