Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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well had yet another female that we are trying to get full Id. with high winds , no luck. We have a DO for male and have to get full Id but we are positive same male as last few years.

We have an idea who female is but do not want ot say yet.

last night april14 , we were there for 4 hours and no female. WE were there till 9pm so hopefully all well. WE will take a look tonight if possible

and there there is scenario that MIss E could come back this weekend . there was a fight last year and she won but I want no fights.

But on e goose did get in box. Gord, you said they could not LOL. anyhow  our male attacked it twice and it made it back ot box.
Male eventually went way up on roof and goose flew off. I watched where it went and  a few hours later it came back with its mate. But our male dove at them both and  they landed on a roof to north of WEber. WE kept on eye out and at sunset off they flew into the sunset. I hope they do not return.

no way , they were ushered out although they were on nest box.

We have two back at Weber now
 Peter and I saw them on wed evening. one is banded and one is not.
so miss Edmonton is not here yet. This happened last year also.
she gets back later.
we got partial band of male . We do believe it is same  male bu twill have to wait and see

so if she is coming it would be interesting. And no, I do nto want a fight for this spot
few pictures I wont always post as many TPC just this once

here are photos

our goose LOL

female is on letter an d male up by box. she was hungry and he looked well fed LOL



soaring west:
Someone has spotted 2 Canada Geese near the nest box. I hope they don't try to claim the rooftop. :o

Great video & slide shows, bev. Thanks! :)

a few videos form WEber now that I di d up

My Miss Edmonton has certainly had great success over the years. I always  watch her as if it will be my last time. with one of her young ones  at one of our sites in Edmonton ( at the misrecordia), I can witness her success . We do not often get to know where they are( the offspring)

so come fly with K12 and me


this one I got off cam

weber august24

just after 7pm tonight


this is from Weber. all of beginning is K12 and then are a few of Miss E flying in middle and then Miss  landing on a satellite drum toward end and Do1 on a far off perch. this day on august29 we were treated to a real flying show. Barb saw them also the next day.



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