Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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so today we will have 3 hatches

hatch one at 11:21am. hatch 2 at 12:26pm and hatch 3 is either already here or just bout. 10:46pm

she was eating something, so I say it is here yup eating shell

here is video friend sent me of one an d two hatch
now we await feed . hopefully before number 4


Great News bev!!  8)

Congratulations on the first arrival!  That is very exciting for you.

well everyone knows how important MIss E was to me.

but to have Green girl, who I held at banding and at release nest here, is amazing to me

and now I am pleased to announce her first ever chick
at about 11:20am this morning. JUne8

DO1 has already been in to check

will be back with a shot

so we are waiting for first hatch should be today or tomorrow. ( before cam goes south again)


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