I am so far behind here, and will not be able to catch up for a few weeks. Peter and I are going away tomorrow for some R and R. but I will give a report of both sites and try and add some photos later if I can. As you know I spent all day last Thursday at the site because Miss Edmonton was missing. She finally turned up at night. but we were not sure it was her. It had been so wet and cold that it was hard to tell.
Sept 9 I watched all day in the cold and our youngster called for food whenever he was around. But he did give me many laughs. He went from rooftop to rooftop looking for leftovers. At one roof he encountered a mob of magpies that tried to best him. they chased him off very low to ground , so I held my breath.

But what a trooper he circled back and went back to that roof and then he chased the magpies. He tried to stoop them

.Then he tried stooping pigeons and gulls all the rest of the day. He sure tried. He flew off west and east at times so I do not know if he got any food. The whole time the male adult just stayed on the Weber. First one side then the other. I t rained off and on all day
At one time the youngster flew off satellite dish he was on and soared out west of Weber. I noticed there was another falcon there .They soared and dipped and then both came in ,one chasing the other. Lots of cacking by youngster
One knocked the male adult off W of building. I could not keep up. Everything happens so fast. Lots of flying by all 3.Could not tell if it was aggression or not. Looked like some and very noisy.I went around to east side and there were 2 up on roof on aerials. I could not tell who was cacking. Smaller one flew off and bigger one stayed for a bit and then quietly soared off around building and then out. I think one was a juvenile from another site.
The male adult on the W flew off after about a half hour.(lots of strange things this year)
Later in afternoon, a falcon (I think adult female) , flew onto big round satellite on Weber roof . Kid was across road on satellite dish and started cacking. then he went to Ramada facing WEst and was cacking.
Male adult flies in and the adult on SAtellite went up to nest box. . then female adult flies and perches on south side of roof. Male flies up to roof ledge by box and kid comes flying in, cacking and knocks him off,and we loose sight of kid. (Peter has joined me now.) So we have 2 adults in sight and have to leave for an hour. When we came back no one in sight.
It was getting dark and finally we saw a falocn on west of Weber and then it flew to n facing east (we think the kid)
It flew off and we spotted it on south side of Centre 104 on the E . It was pouring rain and dark and with no sign of adults we left. Needless to say I was worried. Not knowing if it was our female.( Remember we had a subadult female in on the weekend) With the weather so miserable she was probably holed up somewhere all day.