Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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Well, i am back.  got back Sunday night and of course I checked my birds.  all youngsters appear to be gone.  I had 2 texts form friends while I was away and on Sept 21 there was still one youngster at Clinical science, cacking away. And  on Sept 24, Young Mr. Weber was still there. so I do not know when they left .  this , as some of you know  this is a bittersweet time for me.  I get very emotional as we never know who will be back from migration. I like to see them off and bid them well.

I hope young Mr. Weber was hunting by himself before he left. He was 3 weeks younger than the ones at clinical science. but I trust Miss Edmonton . She is a great mom. I am so glad she had a successful year this year.  As of Oct 4 both Miss Edmonton and her mate were still there,that is last night. On Sunday night we jsut saw her .  Last night when we got there, Miss Edmonton was perched on the middle of the W on the south east side. then we heard her chup and she went up to nest box. I looked around and in cam the male adult. (I was so surprised to still see him there. Typically the males leave a week before the females . They are usually gone by now. But things were late here so we learn something new every day.)  Miss Edmonton went into the box and when she came out she sat in front for a bit. then she flew around the back and came and perched on aerial on roof of Weber facing south east.  the male then turned on the R of Weber and faced the same direction.  They look so relaxed. Nice to see. It has been a action packed , dramatic season  I will continue to monitor till they leave




Great updates and photos Bev.   love the little movies!

Thanks for posting all of the updates and photos, bev. :) Enjoy your holidays!  :D

I will not have time to download other picutres till I get back . but I will summarize now from Sept 10 to last night Sept 15.  We have still had falcons flying by. Male adult ushered 2 out the other  day. I hope our youngster is hunting now. He is  over 3 weeks behind university falcons.

Last night was quite funny.

Youngster flew up to roof and there appeared to be a carcass up there. He seemed to be getting some good bites from it. The feathers kept ending up in his mouth. It was very cold and windy last night and he eventually went up onto nest box and just looked out. NO sign of adults.  Youngster eventually flew off. 2 hours after we arrived adult female (miss Edmonton) flew in and up on aerial by nest box. She then flew off and went on aerial on west side of roof. The youngster came flying in cacking and chased her off and the youngster perched on R of Weber facing west.   

Low and behold, in comes female adult down back alley with prey in her talons.She is quite low.  Youngster flies off R and chases her. Just as the Miss Edmonton drops prey to kid, and kid goes to grab it, the prey flies off  :o (Yes, it was still  alive)  ;D   ;D The youngster was some upset and ended up low on a wire in alley west of Weber. We stayed there to make sure he was O./K. (Gord told to us to watch for the wires) . We got a good laugh here. Poor Peter was trying to video it and battery went dead  :P The youngster then flew off south.  We went around to east side and adult female was on aerial above nest box and youngster was way south on a round satellite dish

Miss Edmonton looked up and started chupping. She flew around Weber and then went up to box. Next thing ,off she went ,and started soaring south. We see another falcon up in sky and it dove down suddenly and flew onto Weber sign facing east. It was finally  the adult male making an appearance. I kept watching  the sky for mom and noticed  we  now have 2 falcons up there , mom and another female(by size) They soar fast to the south and then soar fast to the north and we lost sight, in the clouds. Poor mom. Dad I think attracts too many females in his travels.

I had to leave for a few moments  ;)and of course when I came back everything is happening and Peter is not sure what. He figures female came back and kid knocked someone off perch and was chased, or another juvenile came in.  dad flew off and we do not know who is there. It was dark out and very confusing.  One thing for sure. this site has given us heart attacks galore.   When we left the kid was still cacking(he lost his supper) . He was on E of center and an adult was on R of WEber. We do not know who. I just hope Miss Edmonton made it back. I will probably not have time to check .

When I get back the youngster will have migrated and the adult male will have migrated ,but Miss Edmonton should still  be there (God willing she is O.K.)
I find this a very difficult time of year. When they migrate, you never know if you will ever see them again.  I will post some slide shows of a mixture of pictures of Red deer youngster and our youngster

Sept 9







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