We had to do a rescue at the hotel as someone went on roof of "Weber and girls were not ready to fledge, almost but not quite(idiots). So we had to get one of girls , that was real low and would have perished. luckily there were people in room , that knew about falcons , and did not disturb her. They saw our posters and phoned us. Unfortunately, they did not see poster til a day later ,so youngster had been there for over a day.
she was beautiful and unhurt , just not ready. We took her home, per Gords instructions and he picked her up next day an d took her to his place. she should be flying free now at hack site on Pembina
the other female is flying strong and good. a bit over a week now. Miss Edmonton and new male( who we have Id ) , will send to you Tracy, are great parents. they could have fed 6 or more.
Miss Edmonton had 5 chicks. one perished in bad storm we had. It wandered out o f box. There were 2 males and 2 females left. We did not feel this sight could handle 4 youngsters so Gord took two males for hacking and left 2 females.
but the idiots just do not get it. It is a long story but let us just say , Peter rectified it.
here are some picutres in my gallery. I tired to go back and relabel but.. Pb dos not cooperate. We will be looking for a new picture site.
click on picture and then go to left. when you come to pciutres of U of A buildings, just keep going and then more pictures or stop at building picutres and click on second picture below and follow arrows to left Now is it clear as mud
Go to building pictures start here for more photos