Author Topic: ON / Windsor - Ambassador Bridge - 2009-12  (Read 21104 times)

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Offline carly

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Latest update:

What a beautiful morning. Freddie and Voltaire were at it when I arrived at 7:00 this morning. The chicks are like teenagers “when it comes to food, you step on there foot and there mouth opens!” I know that I knew that peregrines grow to full size in roughly 40 days but to see this growth from one day to the next is astounding.  Our parents are very keen hunters and very diligent parents. Freddie might wear the pants in the family but Voltaire sometimes tells him which leg to put on first. The chicks spend far more time alone and are wandering around freely on the nest ledge. They have discovered the food stashes in the right corner of the nest but I can’t say that they are attempting to raid the fridge on their own yet. We should have some newer chick flicks in the next  couple of days. It was alot cooler tonight and when we left the youngsters were huddled in the corner wishing they had a space heater

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Hmmm, think I posted most of that earlier ... but you wrote it better Alison!  ;)

Offline Alison

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What a genetic background Freddie has!

His father, Fury, was born in 1997 at One Summit Square, Fort Wayne. In 2002 he was badly injured; he was not releasable and became an education bird.

Fury is a son of Freedom and Roosevelt, still the resident pair at Fort Wayne.

Roosevelt's mother was Aurora, from Aurora, Ontario, and his father was Bandit of the Rhodes Tower in Columbus, Ohio.

Freddie's mother, *7/X, was born at the Lazarus Building in Dayton, Ohio, a daughter of Mercury and his second mate Baltimore, 7/D.

Freddie is also an older brother of Victory, 2/*1, born 2002, who was the former mate of Orville at the Rhodes Tower in Columbus until she was injured in 2006.

I haven't found any info on Voltaire so far.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 16:27 by Alison »

Offline Liz

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I'd guess at 11:21/22 pm

Offline allikat

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For those of you have digital at 11pm on channel 45 in case you missed the little story on falcons.

Offline allikat

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I just caught it...did I miss much?

Offline Liz

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In Windsor, ON, I think.  Chicks will be flying in a couple of weeks. 

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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The territorial adult male was banded:  Black 26 over Green H - named Freddie, produced in Toledo Ohio USA

The territorial adult female was banded:  Black N over Green 77, - named Voltaire

Freddie - 2001 wild-hatch from Commodore Perry Motor Inn, Toledo, Ohio
Voltaire - 2006 wild-hatch from Eastland Power Plant in Eastlake County, Ohio

On Freddie's father's side, the line goes back to:
Aurora, a captive-bred female released from Aurora, Ontario in 1991

Also ...
Freedom, a captive-bred female released in 1994 in Indiana
(curiously, both Freedom & Aurora were paired with different birds named Bandit)
Mercury, a captive-bred male released in Ohio in 1990
Baltimore, wild-produced young hatched in Baltimore, Maryland in 1993 (no IDs on parents)

Offline eagle63_1999

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Very kewwwwwwwllll Carly thanks for the info. Forty years eh,  gotta love the peregrines lol

Offline carly

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The falcon story is on!!  First pair in over 40 years in Windsor on the Ambassador bridge!!   Woah - beautiful filming of them.  Oh shot of mom with 2 of the babies...!!!  Oh she's beautiful!!  15,000 trucks a day go over the bridge above them!!

Short and sweet but gee the mom is beautiful, very distinct looking! 

This is the pair that's there, info from our CPF site:

The territorial adult male was banded:  Black 26 over Green H - named Freddie, produced in Toledo Ohio USA

The territorial adult female was banded:  Black N over Green 77, - named Voltaire

Offline carly

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ON / Windsor - Ambassador Bridge - 2009-12
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2009, 20:01 »

Oh, oh..CBC news Sunday Night right of the news item is going to be our peregrine falcons in Windsor!!  I'm glued to the news now!!