Author Topic: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009-2012  (Read 13896 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2012 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #40 on: March 20, 2012, 18:51 »

Here's the lastest update from CPF ...

February 19, 2012 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:
Stopped in at the William Osler Hospital for a check in today and had both adults at separate times on the south facing “H” sign enjoying the afternoon sun. First was the big girl, O’Connor, just before noon preening away the afternoon.  By 2:00pm, Hurricane had returned from a foray and had taken up position on the “H” sign as well but by this time, O’Connor was out and about on her own hunt.  It was nice to see the two of them back at the site so regularly now. With spring like weather and the day length getting longer, the nesting season will be upon us fast.

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2011 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #39 on: September 05, 2011, 11:55 »
Isn't that a hoot (no pun intended). Thank you for sharing this news bccs. I hadn't looked at this site in ages.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2011 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #38 on: September 05, 2011, 09:51 »
I enjoyed reading this post on the CPF website. I imagine it would have been quite funny to observe...

A Great Observation of the William Osler Family!
August 28, 2011 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Tracy Simpson Reports:
A great observation made by Toivo at the William Osler site. I have seen O’Connor, the resident female, doing this exact same thing during the Fledge Watch this summer. Every once in a while she would go across the street where a plastic owl is attached to the roof of a low rise building and make sure that the “owl” stayed right where it was. I think she was encouraged that she had sufficiently frightened it as it never seemed to move!! It would stand to reason that O’Connor’s offspring have picked up on her meticulous territory cleaning habits and took a run at it themselves!! Thanks Toivo for another great observation! Here it is:

"I was in Woodbridge about 3 k up hwy 27 from the Osler site. I saw a bird dive bombing something. I will always investigate this. I drove around a building and got to observe a peregrine stoop maybe 5 times at a plastic owl on the corner of the industrial building across the street from me.  I would think this would be one of the Osler juveniles. Quite funny to watch."  Toivo

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ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2011 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #37 on: June 03, 2011, 04:18 »

Check out this link that Loriann sent me.
Great write up, wonderful pictures.
Look at all the people who were lucky to be part of this unique experience.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #36 on: August 05, 2010, 14:28 »
Here's another story on Hurricane & O'Connor ...

Thanks LouLouBelle!!

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2010, 10:19 »
Well last week I was told a single chick here imagine my surprise when I checked the site this morning and found that there are 2 chicks...both alive and well and they managed to band the female but the male eluded them!!  I hope he's okay!
carly, does this mean that the male fledged before they could band him? ???

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2010, 06:19 »
Well last week I was told a single chick here imagine my surprise when I checked the site this morning and found that there are 2 chicks...both alive and well and they managed to band the female but the male eluded them!!  I hope he's okay!

Good thing I didn't post last week's news..  ::)

The dad is Hurricane as always and seems O'Connor the female is still the reigning queen here!  Sadly this site is not monitored regularly - kind of like the Ottawa site so you'll understand my comment there last night!

So looks like all's well that ends well here now!  I'm thrilled these two finally have offspring of their own.  Last year they were given fosters from the Mississauga site as their nest had failed.

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2010, 20:12 »
Confusing at its best, but still good news never the less! Now 3 eggs in the nest tray
June 01, 2010 - Etobicoke - William Osler

CPF Postmaster Reports:
We have just received updated news from William Osler Health Care Centre that their resident female (who ever she is these days) is currently incubating three eggs!! This is going to very interesting indeed!
After all of the fighting and squabbling going on out at this nest site over the nest ledge itself, we are at a loss now as to who the resident female now is. Unbelievably, the same resident male of 5 years,, “Hurricane” - (produced at the Toronto Sheraton hotel) is still there and has been dealing with all of the squabbling females. I guess your gotta think that all of these girls fighting for his attention must bolster his ego just a bit!
Stay tuned………..

Offline bev.

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #32 on: May 04, 2010, 11:12 »
Good news for a change :-* :-*

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2010, 04:57 »
2 Eggs, both adults in full incubation mode!
May 03, 2010 - Etobicoke - William Osler

CPF Postmaster Reports:
With many thanks to Bruce, three hours of observations paid off this morning as he was able to confirm the hospitals report of two more eggs in the nest tray being incubated and tended to by both adults.
Bruce was able to confirm the the resident male is still Hurricane, the little male that was produced at the Toronto Sheraton Hotel back in 2004 and showed up at the William Osler Hospital in 2007. He has been the territorial resident at this nest site ever since. His female mate dawns a Black over green band - (still yet to be identified) and a purple coloured USFW band. Bruce witnessed a changing of the guard at approx. 11am and it appears that both adults are in fact sharing the incubating duties.
Stay tuned………….

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2010, 17:24 »
A little more on Hurricane . . . he was actually from the Sheraton nest in Toronto, hatched in 2004, a son of Wind and Windwhistler. He and Juliet had been together since 2006.

Thanks Alison, knew he was from one of the two nests but was too tired to look it up  ;)

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2010, 16:28 »
A little more on Hurricane . . . he was actually from the Sheraton nest in Toronto, hatched in 2004, a son of Wind and Windwhistler. He and Juliet had been together since 2006.

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2010, 16:24 »
The female was named O’Connor,hatched 05/06/07 at the Landmark Building in Summit County Ohio. Banded on 05/24/07 .  The male is Hurricane from downtown King St I think.

I believe Juliet used to be at this nest site Alison, year before last I think?.

Thanks, Carly! I remember O'Connor, a daughter of the great Bandit (black/red 3/*P) and Chesapeake (black/red *P/*S) in Akron, Ohio. Bandit is now 15 years old and Chesapeake is twelve.

I am not so familiar with Hurricane from King Street.

With everything that has happened at the William Osler nest, I wonder if O'Connor and Hurricane are both still there.

Yes, Juliet (born at the Syracuse nest in 2005) was at this nest site. She was injured in a battle with another female, rehabbed and released, but has not been seen since then to the best of my knowledge.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2010, 20:26 »
Okay found it:

The female was named O’Connor,hatched 05/06/07 at the Landmark Building in Summit County Ohio. Banded on 05/24/07 .  The male is Hurricane from downtown King St I think.

I believe Juliet used to be at this nest site Alison, year before last I think?.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2010, 17:32 »
This is such sad news about the eggs. It is even worse if there is no sign of either female around the nest area. Do we know who the falcons are at this nest?

We knew the male I believe but not the female, will go back and look at last years records.

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2010, 16:41 »
This is such sad news about the eggs. It is even worse if there is no sign of either female around the nest area. Do we know who the falcons are at this nest?

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2010, 16:14 »
Oh my god...just posted!!

!!! Tragic news - the eggs are gone!
April 08, 2010 - Etobicoke - William Osler

CPF Postmaster Reports:
We have just received tragic news that as of this mornings check of the nest via the small peep-hole, that both of the newly laid eggs are gone and no longer in the nest tray. While we have not seen any recent evidence of additional squabbling going on with the two adult females that were embraced in a bitter battle over the territory and nest ledge two weeks ago, we know that things can change and happen very quickly when these fights brake out. This would not be the first time that we have seen eggs trampled & crushed by two squabbling peregrines on the nest ledge.
In addition to this tragic news, it is also being reported that there has been no recent sightings of any female being seen on territory.
It is worth noting that access to the nest ledge is both under lock and key and restricted.

Offline Loriann

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ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2010 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2010, 14:19 »

December 01, 2009 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Bruce Massey Reports:

FYI , Over the last month or so I had the occasion to briefly go by Osler Hospital.  There was  at least 1 PeFa in attendance, couldn’t tell if Male or Female (Driving) and it was on the North Sign.  Have been by Yellow Pages twice ( Mid November - Female In attendance and end of November- Male in attendance).  As with the North York pair I hadn’t seen the Female in a month or so, until the end of the Month were I saw a Female just North of Finch. and the Male since the middle of November.  Finally I was at Bell Building area and had a male sitting on the Corner of the Building by the Nest Box.

Thanx Bruce

Offline bcbird

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2009, 00:13 »
My goodness, the joy and tenderness she feels for these fostered chicks and their new parents is so evident in her writing.  She IS a great writer!  Thanks for the links, Carly.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2009, 20:30 »
Well if you miss your babies, you can come to Etobicoke Sunlife and visit Jack..all grown up now and a great dad!  Lol..I'm still stunned over that news but happy to hear a local boy is our resident male  ;)

Offline Loriann

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2009, 20:15 »
so glad the mississauga babes are ajusting to being 'out east' !  sounds like the foster parents are doting on them, its heartwarming to say the least.  glad 'my' babes are doing well,but i do miss them here.  I was up at the MEC and didn't see any falcons.  I saw at least six different red-tailed hawks however, and the falcons don't usually tolerate them around the buildings. 

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2009, 17:27 »
Tracy has updates from Monday and Tuesday on the newly fostered chicks and their new parents!!   All is well!  I'll just post the links for you all!  she's a great writer!



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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2009, 18:45 »
Thanks TPC, I recognize some of those names - just from reading of course but I like to know the history! 

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2009, 18:08 »
Here's more on the female's family tree ...

Pop (1991 Pennsylvania) + Judy (1990 Sudbury, Ontario)
---> Bandit (1995 Michigan) + Chesapeake (1998 Maryland)
       ---> O'Connor (2007 Landmark Building, Ohio)
                    + Hurricane (2004 Toronto/Sheraton, Ontario)
                       ---> MEC foster chicks

Offline Pchemist

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2009, 16:13 »
that explains it.  I'm too lazy to click.   :D

Offline bcbird

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2009, 16:11 »
Same, Eagle, I knew I'd seen that somewhere. 
Thanks, Maggieblue, for reassuring us we were still on the ball! 

What a heart warming story, and a great second chance for those three chicks.

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2009, 15:51 »
Carly reported it at about 5 this morning via the link to the update.  She posted it in the Mississaga thread (their chicks).  With all of the other excitement today that might have gotten lost so great that we have it in both threads, parents and chicks. It is such a wonderful story.  :)

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2009, 15:47 »
I read it somewhere in this forum today, honest, I ain't losing my marbles just yet lmao

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2009, 15:44 »
if she did I missed it.   ::)

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2009, 15:29 »
Yeah but didn't someone else post the same thing? Carly I think it was?

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2009, 15:28 »
wow!  what a great story!

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2009, 15:15 »
I hadn't seen this update from yesterday. What great news!

Successful Foster!!
June 08, 2009 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Mark Nash Reports:

Over the weekend we were able to choose the perfect foster site for the three MEC hatchlings. With the assistance from the wonderful folks at the William Osler Health Care Centre, we were able to confirm that status of the resident peregrines. Reconfirming that the resident female was still incubating her eggs, and knowing that they beyond the hatch day and with no hope of a hatch,  this stage was set for the perfect fostering condition as this is exactly the situation that was needed.  The ideal foster nest site!

With the hatchlings much stronger and healthier,  it was time to introduce them to their new foster parents. The three hatchlings departed the CPF raptor centre late this afternoon and arrived at the William Osler Hospital safe and sound.  We were greeted by the hospital security and maintenance personal and awaited Mark’s arrival from MNR.  We proceeded to the upper floors to the access hatch to the nest ledge.  After re-confirming for the last time that the resident female was still incubating the eggs and that the resident male was still in attendance, the hatch door was carefully opened and the 3 remaining un-hatched eggs were removed and replaced with the three young peregrines. Despite both of the resident peregrines objection to this intrusion, the procedure went without a hitch and the access door was closed and secured.

For the next ten plus minutes we all waited and watched in anticipation that the resident adult female would accept her new foster family.  She was joined by her mate and we watched both of the resident adults stare in absolute bewilderment.  Seconds later, the hatchlings started to vocalize. Seconds later,  both of the adults started to vocalize back to the three young peregrine hatchlings. Moments in to this scream-feast, , one of the chicks walked off out of our view down the ledge.  Fearing that worst that one of the hatchlings may be on its way too close to the edge of the ledge, we preceded to ground level and to the outside the building and positioned ourselves directly under the ledge.  The vocalizing from all of the peregrines was deafening even eight stories down.

What we witnessed from this vantage point was nothing shy of spectacular and amazing.  Both of the resident adult peregrines were involved in this scream feast with the hatchlings, all while touching beaks together.  The adult male was the most confused and made a dozen touch-and -go flights back and forth from the nest ledge to the hydro towers to the east, than back to the nest building and nest ledge. Throughout this entire time frame, - (which lasted close to a half an hour), the adult resident male also went after and chased of several gulls.

By 5:55 pm, the male finally bought in a small food package, and the adult female was quick to snatch it from him and preceded to feed her newly acquired family.  For the next three hours while we watched on, the male brought in three other food packages to the ledge.  Each time the adult female snatched the food packages from him and proceeded to feed the hatchlings. By the end of the day as we lost our daylight, all three hatchlings had been few several times and had huge full bulging full crops.  Both adults continued to be very vocal right up to when darkness fell, and all fell silent.

By the time 9 pm rolled around and the darkness set in, the adult female had herded all three of the hatchlings back down the ledge into the nest tray behind the hospital sign where they all disappeared from our view. It couldn’t have worked out better!!  Tracy joined me around 5 pm and stayed until darkness.  During our visit, both of the resident adults were ID’ed and their band numbers were recorded and photographed. The resident adult male is non other than Hurricane, who was produced at the Toronto Sheraton hotel nest site in 2004, dawning a solid black band 5 over X.  Hurricane has been the resident adult here at the William Osler Hospital nest site since 2006 when he arrived as a first year juvenile in full brown plumage.

The resident adult female dawns a Black M over Green 87 band.  We hope to have some history on her very soon.  Stay tuned… More to come!

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2009, 15:11 »
The band number M/87 belongs to O'Connor, a daughter of Bandit (3/*P) and his mate Chesapeake (*P/*S), long time residents of the Landmark Building in Akron, Ohio.

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2009, 14:56 »
From the CPF site today, info on the female at William Osler:

Frank Butson Reports:
I searched a database in OHIO and came up with this info on the female m/87 black over green. She is named O’Connor, hatched 05/06/07 at the Landmark Building in Summit County Ohio. Banded on 05/24/07.

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2009, 13:47 »
Sending good vibes!!!!

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2009, 05:01 »
From Mark Nash:

We received some sad news today with the report that one of the four eggs was observed broken.  We have no idea as to what has happened, but we can confirm that there has not been a hatch as yet.  Incubation has now gone beyond the 33 day mark and its not looking good for a hatch.  Stay tuned……

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2009, 20:56 »
Wouldn't it be great if this did turn out to be Juliet! I hope someone will be able to read the band numbers soon.

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Re: ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009 / Hurricane & O'Connor
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2009, 06:34 »
Could this be the elusive Juliette  ??? :D

!!! Incubation continues.
May 05, 2009 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Mark Nash Reports:
Another site visit today revealed a little more information yet again about the female, but her identity still remains a mystery!  I arrived just at the perfect time to catch the incubating female leaving the nest tray for a wing stretch and a quick bite to eat as she flew over to the hydro tower to take advantage of a fresh cache of food that her mate had earlier brought in for her and deposited in one of their secret hiding spots.  As she stood up on the nest tray to reveal her four unhatched eggs, I was finally able to catch the colours of her leg band which was clearly visible as a Black over Green coloured band.  Sadly, it happened so quickly, I was not able to identify the digits on the band.  Also, at this time of day,  the low light and shadows that fall in behind the pillar make it very difficult to see something that small in any detail.  We are expecting a hatch in the next week to ten days if everything has gone well.  Stay tuned,,,, - More to come….

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ON / Etobicoke - Wm Osler - 2009-2012
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2009, 06:35 »

Great and interesting tales from the other Etobicoke site!!  That site hasn't been used for a few years now but there is a new pair there and they even had a territorial dispute but no one died!

Territorial battles and now 4 eggs have been observed!!!
April 23, 2009 - Etobicoke - William Osler

Mark Nash Reports:
We have some incredibly good news to report despite all of the bad news (and no news) from the William Osler Health Centre peregrine nest site. First the bad news  - After reports streamed in two weeks ago regarding eye waitresses reports from patients waiting in the emergency waiting room of two peregrines involved in what appeared to be a battle to the death that had both peregrines eventually coming to the ground directly outside their window apparently locked in mortal combat; it appears that there was obviously a victor and a looser. Now for some better news - (There was no mortality was observed thank goodness). Fortunately the peregrines finally broke off their engagement when security arrived on the scene. Hurrah for the quick response of hospital security!!!!

And now the BEST NEWS - During my site visit last week, and with the help and support of hospital security, we visited the “peep hole” behind the nest to discover an adult female was in full time incubation mode on the nest tray. It has later been reported that there are four eggs currently being incubated. While we still have not got a handle on “who” is occupying this territory and nest site this year, we are very excited that a pair has utilized the nest tray that we installed several years ago. Stay tuned, more to come…..