From 2007 until she was displaced by Eve earlier this year, Spirit was the first and only resident female at this nest. Her long-time mate, Roger, also arrived in 2007 and was the resident male until he disappeared in October 2014. It was never known what happened to him.
Éole then left his mate, Eve, and moved in with Spirit. He is also her son.
In 2015, Éole was displaced by an unbanded intruder, and returned to Eve at the incinerator building, where they raised five chicks. The new male with Spirit was given the name Arthurin, and he helped raise Spirit's chicks.
Arthurin did not return in 2016, and Éole moved back in with Spirit. Four eggs were incubated, but with continuing intruder problems from Eve and at least one male, Spirit was eventually forced to abandon her eggs.
This year, Spirit laid three eggs, but during incubation Eve attacked a number of times. In late April Spirit already had visible injuries to her cere and beak area. Éole continued to incubate as much as he could. Recently the eggs were removed from the nest, and all three were found to be infertile.
Eventually, Eve drove Spirit away, and took over the nest. Searches were done for Spirit, but there was no sign of her at that time.
I am very glad that she has been found and rescued. I hope she will make a full recovery, but in the meantime she will be well cared for and safe from predators. Although she is not in good condition at the moment, she has always been a strong falcon, both physically and mentally.
Photo: Christian Fritschi