Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

QC / Montréal - l'Université de Montréal - 2009-19

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--- Quote from: carly on February 26, 2010, 15:39 ---I'm really not sure to be honest.  She just says Polly takes food from them.  I've posted the question to her on the board and we will see if she replies.  Nicole did say she helps them defend the territory so we'll see.

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Quoting from Eve Bélisle's blog on December 1, 2009:

It seems clear to me that her handicap has slowed down her ability to learn to hunt, and thus her departure has been delayed . . . I am nevertheless hopeful that she will be able to fend for herself during the next few months, because she seems to be in good condition. I am fairly sure that she is now able to catch prey for herself.

I think Polly is in the best possible place, staying with her parents. Her favourite place to perch is in the middle, between Spirit and Roger. She looks in good condition; her feathers look healthy, and her eyes are bright.

And Spirit and Roger have now begun copulation -- Eve posted a short video.

I'm really not sure to be honest.  She just says Polly takes food from them.  I've posted the question to her on the board and we will see if she replies.  Nicole did say she helps them defend the territory so we'll see.


--- Quote from: carly on February 26, 2010, 04:52 ---The girl who posts about this site from Montreal - asked on Imprints about Polly's situation.  She said Polly flys and plays with her parents regularly!

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Then, is she likely able to hunt for herself?

The girl who posts about this site from Montreal - asked on Imprints about Polly's situation.  She said Polly flys and plays with her parents regularly!

Paul Hamilton replied and posted these two links showing that cooperative nesting is not as uncommon as we think.



I just checked the blog, and the two new cameras are now up and running. Eve Bélisle has posted videos from the new cams.

On February 20, there had been quail left in the nest. Polly was the one who came and ate almost the whole thing. Spirit came in to finish off the few leftovers.

Polly with quail; she is such a beauty.


Temporary link to the cams:



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