Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

QC / Montréal - l'Université de Montréal - 2009-19

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Will Roger and/or Spirit (assuming they are aware of what Polly did) drive her away from the nest now? I'd be afraid that if she's taken one of the chicks, she'll just go after the others.

Oh my goodness!!!  This is very tragic! 

I can't believe that happened!   :(

I hope Polly doesn't hurt or take any of the other ones.

Tragic news here tonight.  Polly has stolen one of the babies and they thiink she has consumed it.  Eve has posted on her blog tonight that she went to search for it thinking perhaps it had fallen and was somehow still alive.

My god, what will happen now.  Will she go after the other two?!

Still three chicks - it doesn't look as if the fourth egg will hatch.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Elaine L on May 04, 2010, 14:02 ---Finally, he arrived with a very late lunch!  But the little one that was just born this morning has not eaten anything yet - oh, wait, now it looks like he has got himself turned around in the right direction and is getting something to eat.

--- End quote ---

No worries Elaine, the adults will always make sure the chicks are fed, maybe not everyone everytime but it does all average out over each day for the first couple-three weeks.  After band age, the birds are big enough/strong enough/mobile enough to become greedy little gluttons (anyone remember Vesper last year  :o) with larceny in their hearts ... sweet little things that they are  ;)


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