Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

QC / Montréal - l'Université de Montréal - 2009-19

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Elaine L:
Engineers have placed a nestbox under a new bridge they are building in Montreal, the Mercier Bridge, and a falcon with a wire attached is now there.  I could not understand the French in this video enough to figure out everything that is going on here, but Eve was there, and the biologists and the newsmedia were there and all all seemed to be delighted; the hope, of course, is that there will be a breeding pair in this nestbox this year.  With all the construction activity going on there, I don't know, but I sure hope this works out.

Elaine L:
Hatching is expected on April 29 or 30.  Eve has posted an excellent photo of Spirit taking a break, showing that total perfection in flight that is the mark of the falcon:  every part of her body is lined up perfectly, there is not one fault, not one feather out of place. 

Apparently she and Roger are excellent guards of their territory, too, and any creature that has the misfortune, Eve says, of unintentionally or intentionally entering their territory, suffers the wrath of the gods.   

Elaine L:
Spirit laid her fourth egg at 1:54 this morning.  And just a while ago, there was apparently an intruder (unspecified) on the scene; Roger stayed on the eggs, but Spirit took off to check out this problem.  From what I gather, the danger has now passed, and the intruder has left the area. 

Elaine L:
Third egg for Spirit and Roger yesterday at 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time.  If all goes well, the first chick should appear on April 29.

Elaine L:
Second egg for the proud parents today at 1:15 p.m. Eastern Time.


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