Author Topic: AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18  (Read 79951 times)

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Offline bev.

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Alberta / Genesee - 2017 / ? & M27
« Reply #620 on: May 10, 2017, 22:05 »
this needs to be updated adn I do nto know how.

We have them at box this year.

2017- same male
new female M27 - born at inland cement , Edmonton 2013, but was hacked on Pembina River

they have 4 eggs

expected hatch is May2 0r 3rd

male going out female going in

female calling for dinnner

Offline bev.

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #619 on: July 02, 2015, 17:29 »
I iwll bring slideshow here in a few hours . thought5 I had

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #618 on: July 01, 2015, 23:20 »
What a great experience for you, sw! :D

Offline soaring west

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #617 on: June 30, 2015, 15:18 »
 :) best morning ever  :)
banding was great with Bev and Gord and Peter. I held my first chick ever. Saw a long tailed weasel(with Gords' Help). And Gord brought out Vinny the falcon. He just watched as they banded the chicks and let them loose on the ground. One mad a dash for under Gord;s  vechicle . So, under Gord goes to retrieve it..LOL It was nice to see a few staff out to see the banding, so they get the same motherly protection we have for them. They are much closer to do a rescue than anyone.

Offline bev.

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #616 on: June 27, 2015, 00:50 »
we have 3 beautiful chicks here.

there has been some disruption for them  which caused stress. but right  now they are calm and feedings going well .
Banding will be on Tuedsay at 10 am . we will go so will take pictures

here are a few. If you click on pictures I believe you can get to my gallery.

Offline bev.

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #615 on: June 08, 2015, 10:04 »
3ed hatch this morning at 7:22am


yesterday and egg was starting

dad with kids

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #614 on: June 06, 2015, 16:26 »
Second hatch this afternoon.  :)

Offline bev.

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #613 on: June 06, 2015, 10:49 »
firs thatch this morning at about 8am. it had a hole last night and she fed hole ??? and this morning irst light , she was stressed and fed hole. I did not think it would hatch

turn off sound

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #611 on: May 11, 2015, 14:07 »
We now have 3 eggs here.

Offline bev.

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #610 on: May 05, 2015, 10:14 »
will probably have egg 3 today . cam is on line now will try and post link here

Offline bev.

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #609 on: May 04, 2015, 13:59 »

may3 2:19 pm

Offline bev.

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #608 on: May 01, 2015, 13:35 »
may 1

well i have had a test cam for a bit over a week now .
Saw only one falcon on Monday, april27- sorry 2 at different times . and only for a few seconds

Tuesday- april28- cam was down part of day

wed -  april29-no one

Now there is a nice scrape but they seemed to be hanging out around vent areas.
Peter and i will still go out there again this weekend

thursday april30

the falcons appeared just before 4 and were there non stop. at dark, female was in position to lay again and sure enough


same male and Female as last year I will send Tracy all info fo r birds


Offline bev.

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #607 on: April 15, 2015, 15:48 »



Peter and Jean and I spent over 3 hours out there yesterday in blowing cold winds. Thus we spent most of time in car.
when we got there, after checking in with security , we saw one feeding on low building , where kids usually eat. We watched it for awhile and then drove to a different vantage point.

When it had finished eating , it flew up and soared around and then flew to nest box area. Whether it went in or not, no t sure as we could not see box. But we did not see it fly from there.

So we checked all places we know they go.

Moved again closer to  nest box area and no one in box,  and then we saw one soaring, no , 2 soaring. Oh boy, now we have 3. :sum5:  :sum5:  

Some quick flying, We saw one go low and around building where vents are , and around again and then, darn, it went up into right  vent.( number 1 in picture)( I hope not nesting there) Another, we lost track of and one just kept flying around quickly, around the building where vents are. WE lost track, but one eventually , was up high soaring and soared off east. We could not see others. It was windy and blowing hard and dusty so hard to follow.

now it was quiet for a bit and we started looking and checking. then one came in from east and  flew under left vent( number 2 in picture) :girlcrazy: Was not in there long and came out and we could see it had  a big prey in its talons. We are not sure if it had food in talons when it went into vent  or if it got it from  vent, or if it brought it to another  falcon  in vent and gave it to it and it was other that came out. so confusing.  :girlcrazy:  :girlcrazy:

anyhow it flew over low buildings, where we had seen one eating earlier and tried to  land but it was very windy . After circling around it finally touched down. Huge prey.

It was ripping feathers and all was well. all of sudden we saw another falcon coming in  and flying over to area. did it come out of vent or where did it come from??? no  aggression. the one kept  eating. This one kept flying around the low building and disappearing behind it and then up again and disappear again. So maybe landing on a building at back. WE could not  see.
then in comes number 3 DArn. :gaaaaah:  It was clearly zoning in on one not eating. And they were darting around the area where one was eating. the one  stopped to look but was not really concerned. ( must be hungry LOL)

So one flew under right vent and the other eventually left area again. And one on building continued to eat. When it finished eating . it soared above building and then darted behind building and then up and then we did not see it anymore. WE drove to where we could get a better vantage point but saw no one.
We called it a day.,

it was a nice windy day for a drive. Got us out and about
 we do prefer walking around but very cold out also. biting wind. but the falcons love this weather.
hope cam is up soon. if none in box , I know where they are  :furious:  :furious:

I am confused bu t happy to see falcons

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Re: Alberta / Genesee - 2015 / ? & ?
« Reply #606 on: April 03, 2015, 10:34 »
Thanks bev!  :)