Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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More chickies!!!  Come on , we want more! :D

I e-mailed our top biologist again this morning and asked if Genesse knew the cam was off, so he must have contacted them.  I think they possibly disconnected it while they were trapping to put transmitters on and jsut forgot to switch it back.
Yup any time now for these guys

Mom on eggs, see her little transmitter sticking out.  Eggs are due today I think.  Shift change, might have seen a pip..maybe or one of those weird spots from the cam.


--- Quote from: carly on June 01, 2009, 12:24 ---I don't expect you can walk right up to them and say 'hey have I got a deal for you, look at this Ronco transmitter, yours for only 19.99!!'..lol 
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carly, you kill me! ;D

--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on May 31, 2009, 18:36 ---The equipment is expensive and since there is such high mortality among first-year birds, putting the equipment on experienced adults is a better bet.  And besides, these birds will most probably return to Alberta, the chicks, if they survive, could end up anywhere technically and they probably won't hold territories for a couple of years ...

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It didn't occur to me, and it's good to learn something new every day!  8)
--- Quote from: bcbird on May 31, 2009, 23:34 ---I remember that attempt!  We all wondered why she kept looking down from the nest box.  Was it at Cassie's banding, and they were using Cassie as bait to get her to come close? 
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That's how I remember it.  :D

How do they get them to tolerate it Bev, do they hood them at all so they don't try to fight them?


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