Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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Reverse order again. I guess I have to upload backwards ???
empty first thing and then they switched cam to outside and one outside
so that is why I know 2 have fledged


pictures from yesterday July15
first none in box but I think one outside
then one spent a lot of the day sleeping in box and then and other came in for the night . I was here all day but jsut what I saw. sorry reverse order


She ah da band and that is how they knew who she was.

I believe 2 are fully fledged now.
two spent the night last night and now the cam is on the outside and one to go.
First a slide show form July14
23 pictures but I have marked start and End


The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: bev. on July 14, 2009, 09:27 ---Yes, the female is from downtown Calgary. I thought I  posted that already.
I will go back and check.
the male was unbanded but he banded now.

I posted  the below in June

the female at this site is from 2005 from downtown Calgary. the male was not banded

--- End quote ---

Do we know who the 2005 Calgary female is by her band number?

Thanks Bev, musta missed that in all the flurry of posts..I blame the bad kids .... you know who you are  :o  ;D


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