We went out today and we did see falcons. No t sure how many juveniles we saw as it could have been same ones at times. We will download small pictures after.
We have to be so far away. But 2 were on the very top of the nest box tower.
Camera jammed as we saw one flying around by nest box.
then I looked way over to right of nest box across the road and a lot of birds were scattering. I could see at least 2 juveniles raising havoc.

I just snapped pictures and hope I can see in pciture what I saw in binoculars.
a little bit later my grandson saw a few small birds trying to down a big bird by the tower,that we saw dad on when we went out there before. Sure enough it was a juvenile. the birds had probably had enough of the shenanigans .
We also saw an adult or juvenile a top of the tower. I am betting dad but i will have to look at pictures.
Not far from tower we watched 2 red tail hawks soaring around also. Hopefully they do not raise concerns for our 3.
After the f ledge watch at Edmonton I will try to take another run out there.
but I have to believe they are all well.
Draeton really enjoyed them stooping all the birds and the wee birds chasing the falcon.