Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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In for a second jsut now and gone.  I hope Miss Edmonton did not fly out there.
hard to catch pictures when screen goes white all the time. I do not remeber that last year.

there have 2 falcons there, the banded one and an unbanded. I never see them at the same time but they have gone in right after the other on occasion. Peter and I will try and drive out there again this weekend.

I think these 2 are a pair.
the banded one may be the female from last year and may have lost her transmitter.
she looked just fine to me yesterday.

The Peregrine Chick:
Makes sense, or she could be moulting there right now.  I have had some of the most beautiful flight photos screwed up because a bird has moulted out one of his/her flight or tail feathers!!!

Elaine L:
TPC, the reason I think she has an injury is because I saw what looked like a big tuft of feathers missing from her right wing at the elbow, and her feathers were not sitting properly.  Of course, this may have just been an optical illusion, and she is fine; but boy, does she ever look like she is in disarray whenever I see her.

The Peregrine Chick:
What makes you think she had/has an injury Elaine?  ('Fraid I didn't see her)


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