Author Topic: ON / Port Colborne - 2009-10  (Read 16979 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #50 on: May 19, 2010, 14:58 »
You could be right, carly. :-\

Offline kittenface

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #49 on: May 19, 2010, 14:55 »
You know Poland has problems with eggs hatching there it is because of transmitters tho

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #48 on: May 19, 2010, 05:05 »
!!! 4 eggs reduced to one
May 18, 2010 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:

The 4 eggs that were once here (for a second time this year) are now only 1. Not sure how the 1st one went missing but I saw the female consume the 2nd one that went missing. This is way too wierd for me to comprehend, but I’m hoping she must have known that the egg she ate was not fertilized because when she ate it, the yoke & white were clearly visible. I think if it was a viable egg that there would have been an embryo or something solid in the egg. So to this point, she has 1 egg left & is on it constantly. We are hoping that this egg will eventually hatch. Never a dull moment here in Port Colborne! Mostly frustrating ones.

You have to wonder if there isn't something environmental going on here - perhaps something as a result of the mill itself as there have been many different males and females here and no matter who it is - this is always the outcome save for the odd hatch here or there.  If it was the same pair all these years then you could say perhaps one of the pair has a problem with fertility however it's every pair with different males/females at any given time and the eggs are almost always not viable and destroyed.  Wonder what kind of chemicals they are spewing there and if it's affecting the viability of the embryos.

Maybe I'm grasping but seriously what are the odds??? 
« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 05:13 by carly »

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2010, 15:16 »
Four eggs now at Port Colborne!

!!! Port Colborne now has 4 eggs!!!
May 06, 2010 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:

Believe it or not, another egg appeared today. For a brief moment, the female was off the scrape & I clearly saw 4 eggs. The 4th egg could have been there before Monday (when full incubation started) but out of camera view. The camera covers most of the scrape but not the whole thing. Another good thing is that dad (who we call Buffalo Bill) is now pitching in with the incubation process. Hopefully he wasn’t shooting blanks & the eggs are fertilised, as they are taking very good care of them to date.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #46 on: May 03, 2010, 20:36 »
!!! Port Colborne now has 3 eggs
May 03, 2010 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:

Well, the 4 eggs that were produced here by late March & were destroyed have since been replaced by 3 new ones. I think that the new clutch is complete as the female is in full incubation mode, hardly getting off the eggs at all. We have our fingers crossed for a late fledge of falcons.

Bev:  Yes the rochester folks were hoping she'd choose lennox, it's a good place and has a nice large nestbox there but maybe no males around?!

Alison:  I'm hoping it's Treasure too and give this fast reclutch...maybe!  I am going to try to find out more about this site.  I know there are alot of birds there but honestly how do eggs vanish every year like this, and with different pairs too.  I know they will take them out sometimes but having 4 vanish overnight all the time..seems odd to me.  If they were being damaged in fights then you'd find some shell fragments or something.  And they do have a private cam there last I heard..yet every time the eggs vanish the cam suddenly breaks down?

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #45 on: May 02, 2010, 14:01 »
Two eggs now at Port Colborne:

May 01, 2010 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill
Doug Garbutt Reports:

When I left work yesterday at 3:00pm there was still only 1 egg in the scrape. Today when I arrived at work it was 5:30am & I couldn’t se a darn thing, but when the sun came up & the female finally got off the scrape, I noticed that there were 2 eggs. I’m not sure if the 2nd egg was produced last night or early today. Mom was on & off the eggs quite a bit while I was there today so maybe she plans on having more as it does not appear that full incubation has started.

I hope Treasure is still the resident female here . . .

Offline bev.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2010, 18:33 »
I think the folks in Rochester were hoping she would choose Lennox , were they not. what a mess.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #43 on: May 01, 2010, 14:09 »
She was near there Bev the day prior to the sighting and is the only transmitter falcon currently in this area - unless someone is not telling about theirs.  The day she was at PC - coincidently they had problems with the transmitter and then 2 days later she was moving back to the US.  Doesn't mean she tried to take over Treasure's site, maybe she just got caught up in the melee or challenged as she passed through the area.  Carol posted that she was in touch the Doug and she's pretty confident it was Quest based on her conversation with him.

Three days ago she was here in Toronto near our site again - so she's moving around like crazy.  The past week alone, she was in the US, in Hamilton, in Toronto, in Port Colbourne area again and back at Lennox Station.

The fact that an egg has been laid already - I'd be inclined to think it's still Treasure here as it was almost right away and there hasnt' been a period of getting to know you like you'd expect with a new female.  Mind you, if you're in the mood - you might skip those pleasantries but seems more like a reclutch to me.

ps: Doug has also seen another tiercel in the vicinity so it's falcon central here! Now if Quest could just entice him back to to Lennox..then we'd have a new pair!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 14:17 by carly »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2010, 12:13 »
Nuts, going to need to put a question mark beside Treasure's name in the subject line  ::)
The children (all of them) need to start behaving themselves!!!

Offline bev.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2010, 13:34 »
After reading reports that quest was traveling all over after this, not so sure, this would be Quest. Maybe it is the resident female. they would know if they saw a transmitter. as much as I like the idea of quest, I hope Treasure is o.k.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2010, 05:02 »
!!! Maybe we’re not done yet!!!!!
April 29, 2010 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:
As reported, in late March there were 4 eggs here which have mysteriously gone missing. Well I think it was because a 3rd falcon showed up & caused a trauma smash or the residents here destroyed the eggs, I’m just guessing.  However, yesterday the new female laid her 1st egg. She is taking good care of it & the male is bringing in food for her. We are hoping that there will be more eggs & that they are viable. It’s late in the season but hopefully it will work out ok.

Not sure if it's really a new female or not as Quest was in Maine after she left this area.  I don't know what's going on down here but I sure hope Treasure is okay.

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #39 on: April 21, 2010, 20:15 »
Quest was 17 km from PC 2 days ago according to the Imprints folks.  :-\   *sigh*  I wish the eggs wouldn't get destroyed all the time.  I sure hope Treasure is okay.  This site is highly prized for some reason - interestingly Freedom nested here and Archer was born here so wouldn't surprise me if it's Quest.

On second thought, Carly, I think you're absolutely right about this being Quest. I thought she had moved farther from this area, and that she might still be interested in the nest at the Lennox Power Plant. I hadn't thought of her planning a takeover of another nest.  :(

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #38 on: April 20, 2010, 12:16 »
Quest was 17 km from PC 2 days ago according to the Imprints folks.  :-\   *sigh*  I wish the eggs wouldn't get destroyed all the time.  I sure hope Treasure is okay.  This site is highly prized for some reason - interestingly Freedom nested here and Archer was born here so wouldn't surprise me if it's Quest.

Offline bev.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #37 on: April 20, 2010, 12:04 »
I know a perfect spot for a falcon . Across the river from Ottawa. there is a wonderful spot and we have a picture of what we thought was a falcon last year, but no one spotted it after that. Peter and I checked it out ,when first reported. We happened to be in Ottawa at the time.

Quest just needs to move East a bit. ;) ;)

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #36 on: April 20, 2010, 11:49 »
I saw this update too, Carly. It's very sad about the eggs. I wish the peregrines could be identified, and I wonder who the falcon with the transmitter is. There always seems to be territorial fighting at this nest site.

I too hope Treasure is okay. I thought Quest had moved on from Hamilton and had been moving around a lot lately. The last updates on her indicated that she had been all over Ontario and Quebec, and in Maine and Vermont, so I think the third falcon is probably someone else.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #35 on: April 20, 2010, 07:18 »
Bad news!!  Could this be Quest?????  Hope Treasure is okay and I hate this site, every year a new female it seems!

Deja Vu

Doug Garbutt Reports:
I last reported we had 4 eggs here. The eggs have somehow disappeared. Just like last year! 3 falcons were on site at the time the eggs were being incubated. Not sure if this is the reason. We now have a new monitor & will be able to see what’s happening in the box again. Today 2 falcons were in the box. One of them had a radio transmitter on it.

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2010, 17:51 »
Thanks, Carly! I'm only online for a few minutes, but am very happy to know Treasure is still in Port Colborne.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2010, 17:48 »
Just bumping this up for Alison as I see she's online and don't want her to miss it  :-*

Offline Ellie

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2010, 01:21 »
Thanks for the reply just the same.  Maybe another year there will be one!

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2010, 17:06 »
Is there a web cam link to this site?  Would love to check it out! ::)

TPC is right Ellie, no cams here sadly. 

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2010, 16:52 »
Is there a web cam link to this site?  Would love to check it out! ::)

There isn't Ellie - or at least there wasn't one last year and I haven't seen anything for this year.

Offline Ellie

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2010, 13:49 »
Is there a web cam link to this site?  Would love to check it out! ::)

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2010, 20:12 »
Good news Alison, Treasure is still here and is sitting on 4 eggs  ;)

!!! We are cookin’
March 29, 2010 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:
Although we have had problems with our monitor, by chance I tried it on Saturday & it came on for a brief moment. I can confirm that there 4 eggs in the scrape here. As far as we know, the tiercel is an unnamed bird from Buffalo (we call him Buffalo Bill) & the female is Treasure from Cleveland.

Offline Alison

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ON / Port Colborne - 2010 / Buffalo Bill & Treasure
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2010, 22:17 »

(and Dennis will like this-- Dennis this is where they saw Rotor, not that long ago with a Canada goose for prey).  Rotor is not one of the above, but come spring, who knows..)

The photographer who took the photos I posted of Rotor mentioned they were taken in Ontario, but didn't give a location. I did some searching, and found this post from Big Frank:

In late 2008 U and the others enjoyed photos of Rotor a 2008 Eastlake Ohio bird, hatched at First Energy Power Plant. Just thought Id let U know that one of Larry's photos of Rotor is in April 2009 issue of Birders World. It mentions the area Larry saw it was 220 miles from the spot she was hatched in Ohio.(was seen in Port Hope/Cobourg area 60 miles northeast of Toronto)

In June of 2009 the female sighted in Port Colborne was Treasure (black/green M/82) born in 2006 at the Terminal Tower in Cleveland, a daughter of Buckeye and SW. I hope she is still there, and that both she and Rotor are both still doing well.

Offline bccs

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2009, 14:53 »
Oh, to have falcons all year round         sigh

Offline Loriann

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2009, 14:48 »
All is well in Port Colborne

December 29, 2009 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:
We still have two crazy active falcons here !!!!!!!!!! They seem to like the snow.

( and Dennis will like this-- Dennis this is where they saw Rotor, not that long ago with a Canada goose for prey).  Rotor is not one of the above, but come spring, who knows..)

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2009, 23:17 »
An update from the CPF site:

June 17, 2009 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:

Thanks to Carol Phillips our friend in Rochester N.Y. the new falcon here has been ID’d. M/82, black/green is Treasure (female) hatched at the Terminal Tower Cleveland Ohio Apr. 27 2007. We’re not sure if she has taken over the nest box but has been here for a week or so that we know of and could be more. Falcon activity here is abound, however not producing young ones which is very discouraging. We are keeping a close eye to see if Millie is still in the picture. Next year is another year & hopefully we have a dominant pair that can have a successfull brood. All I know is that every falcon we see here is impressive & special.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2009, 16:18 »
T-Rex did the same thing when his father disappeared mid-incubation at the Radisson.  So it appears to depend on the site, birds, battles, timing, phase of the moon, ...

Offline bev.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2009, 15:36 »
Two years ago in Ft.  SAskatchewan , the transmitter male came back late. The female ,hisold mate, already had eggs.  The Transmittter male defeated the new male and went on to help the female incubate and raise the young.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2009, 13:26 »
Yes it does help thank you.  Sure seems to be alot of drama in Southern Ontario this year.

I anxiously await to hear who the victor in the dispute was, was it Freedom come back to claim his nest site, was it the male who defeated him or...was it someone totally new.  I'm surprised he mentioned Millie as earlier they said both male and female were new...more to this tale than meets the eye. 

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2009, 12:46 »
I don't know that I recall ever hearing of the destruction/removal of eggs during the dispute though I'm sure that's the outcome if there is a change in ownership and the pair intends to use the same nestsite.  Do I think they might have been broken during a territorial battle, I wouldn't think so, but its not something I've come across personally or in my readings (or not that I remember).  I was just reading some of the backstory and I imagine that the pair could have know their eggs were blown when they had been off them for so long so late in incubation.  In the same way that infertile eggs are broken and consumed by the adults - it helps to replenish the stores lost to the production of the egg and in this case perhaps reserves lost to the territorial battles.

This is all just theory, don't know enough about the pair, nesting, battles, timelines, and most of what I've heard is eighth-hand, to say definitively what could have happened.

Hope that helps a bit ....

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2009, 12:36 »
No more eggs here

May 05, 2009 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:
I noticed today on the monitor that the remaining 2 eggs (which have been badly neglected the last week or so) have also been broken. There are now remnants of shells but nothing else. Millie was observed in the box for over an hour just doing houskeeping & walking around. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Tracy, would one of the pair purposely destroy the eggs because of the territorial dispute?  Why would they do that, to prevent the inturder from doing it or taking possession of their eggs?  Or would it just have been accidental from being so upset and trampling them.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2009, 20:03 »
Again...brilliant and wonderful...and all those emotional words needing to be expressed!

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2009, 20:01 »
Not only does the law firm, which occupies the top floors of the building, let the falcons remain, they also provide the web cam.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2009, 19:58 »
That's great!  And wonderful they've allowed them to remain and nest there...good on them!

Offline allikat

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2009, 19:53 »
I think it's brilliant!

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2009, 19:51 »
They have nested there for several years.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2009, 19:48 »
Unbelievable...but great!

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2009, 19:42 »
Can't remember where at the moment but a pair last year (at least) and this year chose to nest in the vegetation in an office building balcony planter - again not a nestbox.

Very interesting information on nest sites, TPC. Also very interesting information in the stats you provided farther down.

The only nest in a planter on an office balcony that I know of is in Atlanta on the 51st floor outside the offices of a law firm. There are three chicks in the planter at the moment.

Offline bev.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2009, 08:44 »
If they get this straightened out I am sure there will be time.
 It was this time last year that our nest site  in Edmonton, finally settled down and then eggs at end of May. Your season down there is a bit longer than ours so let us keep our fingers crossed that there  are no more casualties.

Who can keep up with all this Carly. ::) ::) ::)

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2009, 07:27 »
Well one thing that is confirmed this morning is that the eggs at Port Colbourne - the two remaining are no longer being incubated as the territorial dispute continues.

Strange that both sites are having the same issues at the same time.  :-\.  Freedom and Pittsburgh Pete were both long time residents and are much beloved by fans...not sure what will happen but I guess we won't see babies until both situations are resolved.  I wonder if it really is them, only time will tell.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2009, 05:15 »
Well now I have egg on my face, I mixed up the post ID"s - they think it may be Freedom trying to come back to Port Colbourne not PP.  PP is from the Burlington Lift Bridge that also has a 3 falcon problem - so both sites have the older male potentially coming back and trying to reclaim their territory!!

No Band Id's at either site though so it can't be confirmed as of yet!  Sorry for the mix up  :-[ :-[, so PP may be back as well - I just had the wrong location!! 

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2009, 16:28 »
Our resident female downtown Edmonton moved 3 times. the biologists say that she went from #3 nest site to #2  best (clinical science) and then to Downtown Edmonton(which is considered the best site in the greater Edmonton area.

they also said that rarely will a male move from a site (from what they have observed)unless ousted. I have no way of knowing that but they do . But then Trey did in Manitoba so I guess it is a constantly changing thing.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2009, 15:56 »
It is hard saying what I mean on line, I know what I mean but it does not come forth  the way I want it to.
Oh I give up . It will not come across right no matter which way I say. so I will just drop the topic.

Oh don't do that - its not a case of "right" or needing to drop the topic - this is exactly what Projects have to deal with when we are trying to assist peregrines in urban locations.  And its important information to know and be able to communicate when people ask "why can't you put a nestbox up for them"....

I think I did not state my point well enough. what I mean is that when a peregrine comes from a certain area , in a lot of cases they go back to that area.

Yes and no.  Most young peregrines that survive year one, don't come back to their natal areas. Trey didn't, he returned the year after and then continued to return.  Ivy didn't either the first year.  Lucy, Ivy's sister did, but after her failed nest with Ivy at 2 years of age, she left the area. Obi-Wan from Brandon spent his first year in Winnipeg then dropped off the radar entirely.  Madame, Trey's Mom, turned up her less than 12 months after she hatched and never left (she overwintered). 

They released last years peregrine and his sense of instinct sent him back to that area. but another one is already there.You have the Trey at your site but he moved over from another site in Winnipeg.   You have  a male  in West  winnipeg but it came from Winnipeg. (If I read what you said earlier right.)It is not exactly the same spot, but it came back to Winnipeg.

And birds that have nested in/are nesting in - Grand Forks & Fargo ND, Omaha & Lincoln, Nebraska, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and of course, Brandon ... and those are just the ones we know about

Of course peregrines are going to wander over from other areas. There's might be full, we do not know.  So they wander, thus the peregrine. I know that they will not necessarily go to box  becasue it is put there. I have had that explained to me by the biologists here. I also know that if they see a peregrine nesting one year they will try an accommodate it the next year. Thus we have a box at the U of a. They will not always return there either, but a good chance is they do , if possible. they do what pleases them for their own survival.

They tried to create a new nestbox for the TF becasue she liked the Weber building but they were not allowed, by the management. Maybe she would nest there maybe not, but they wanted to give it a try. To make more room for the falcons.

A lot more peregrines are going to the Toronto area,and that is great. It means they are becoming more successful. So maybe an area that they think will appeal  to the falcon could be made attractive to them(and I do not mean decorating ;) ;)) It might work, it might not , but at least it is there.
Here in Edmonton they put a nest box in a certain area and they never nested there but when  a male  was forced out of an area last year it went to that nest box. This was all explained to me.

You are exactly right, there is almost no way to predict anything, but Projects like ours, Alberta's, Ontario's, etc,  can't just be re-active, we have to be pro-active because we have a limited window of time while the birds are here and the peregrines often have a limited attention span.  Peregrine in town on year, put up nestbox and hope bird is back next year and with a fertile receptive companion AND they approve of your nestsite selection skills ... art and a science sometimes ...

Speaking of the science, here are some stats that may be of interest ...

females generally move further than males to breed
- among the population on the Prairies/in the Midwest - 67 females moved on average 345km and 73 males moved 174km to nest
- another study showed 75% of females moved 355km to nest, 75% of males moved 170km to nest
- of 1700 banded chicks in Greenland (from 583 separate nests) - only 35 males and 7 females came back to nest in their natal area(s) - note female mortality is greater which may help to account for fewer females returning

peregrines are very attached to their nestsites once they have them
- females more likely to switch sites than males overall
- in our population - out of 241 territories (over a number of years) 7 birds left territories where they had been unsuccessful (nest failed or mate disappeared), 4 successful birds moved to "better" (more successful) sites and 3 lost territorial disputes but survived

Offline bev.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2009, 15:10 »
I think I did not state my point well enough. what I mean is that when a peregrine comes from a certain area , in a lot of cases they go back to that area.
They released last years peregrine and his sense of instinct sent him back to that area. but another one is already there.
You have the Trey at your site but he moved over from another site in Winnipeg. 
You have  a male  in West  winnipeg but it came from Winnipeg. (If I read what you said earlier right.)It is not exactly the same spot, but it came back to Winnipeg.
Of course peregrines are going to wander over from other areas. There's might be full, we do not know.  So they wander, thus the peregrine.

I know that they will not necessarily go to box  becasue it is put there. I have had that explained to me by the biologists here.
I also know that if they see a peregrine nesting one year they will try an accommodate it the next year. Thus we have a box at the U of a. They will not always return there either, but a good chance is they do , if possible. they do what pleases them for their own survival.

They tried to create a new nestbox for the TF becasue she liked the Weber building but they were not allowed, by the management. Maybe she would nest there maybe not, but they wanted to give it a try. To make more room for the falcons.
It is hard saying what I mean on line, I know what I mean but it does not come forth  the way I want it to.

A lot more peregrines are going to the Toronto area,and that is great. It means they are becoming more successful. So maybe an area that they think will appeal  to the falcon could be made attractive to them(and I do not mean decorating ;) ;)) It might work, it might not , but at least it is there.
Here in Edmonton they put a nest box in a certain area and they never nested there but when  a male  was forced out of an area last year it went to that nest box. This was all explained to me.
Oh I give up . It will not come across right no matter which way I say. so I will just drop the topic.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 22:25 by The Peregrine Chick »

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2009, 14:52 »
I disagree Bev, the peregrines are not coming to all the same spots.  West Winnipeg is new, we have never had any birds express a nesting interest in the area until Ivy returned.  He wanted to be here so we are accommodating him.  The Grand Forks birds chose the Smiley Tower and the project installed a nestbox.  In Saskatoon, the pair chose a nestledge much like the Radisson, new site, no nestbox or any other structure.  The apartment block in Toronto is a ledge, not a nestbox construct.  Can't remember where at the moment but a pair last year (at least) and this year chose to nest in the vegetation in an office building balcony planter - again not a nestbox.  And those are just urban/suburban examples.  We have new wild/cliff nestsites every year and we have unbanded birds turning up on territories in Canada and the US - they had to come from wild, unmonitored nests. 

We provide nestboxes that some birds use, some don't.  Sometimes we install them to encourage birds to nest, sometimes in response to unsuccessful nest attempts at the same location.  Sometimes its just a flyer, never seen a peregrine near there but the site looks great so why not?  Are they preferred to wild cliff faces, can't say, nor can any other peregrine biologists.  Some birds like them and use them.  Does being hatched from one help to influence the decision?  Some could say yes, some could say no - Trey was hatched on the ledge, but Princess was hatched from a box on a smokestack.  That ledge does not look like the smokestack she fledged from.  Does knowing where the boxes are, i.e., because you were hatched there help? Perhaps - perhaps it gives birds a target to aim for - then when they are repelled from the territory, they find new territories.  Some birds follow others - all the Radisson females are from the US - Nebraska & Minnesota - they are a little north and west of their natal areas, they had to follow someone. 

So who and why and where and when are known only to the peregrines, projects like ours just try to sweeten the pot ...

Offline bev.

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2009, 11:08 »
Thanks CArly for all the updates.

Unfortunately the peregrines are all coming to the same spots. that is sad.  We need them to survive.

I am not a biologist but as I said before maybe some new sites need to be created in some other good locations along the way.  Like TG girl they are a bird of habit, but who knows .

that is unusual about the eggs disappearing thought, . they must be stressed out like we saw the ravens get stressed out.( I would have waited until the mating urge was over and then released him)

and congratulations on another one. Number 4 will not be far behind

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2009, 05:02 »
The Port Colbourne site was home to Pittsburgh Pete for several years and last year he was injured in a territorial dispute.  He would have died but his mate basically saved him after he took a blow to the chest, she actually dove in and attacked the intruding male herself and drove him off.  PP did recover but she had to do most of the hunting for their young after his injury because his flying was impaired.  After the young fledged he seemed to be doing ok but then a few weeks later was found injured and taken into rehab.  His mate was spotted with another male a few weeks later.

I didn't know they had released PP - last I heard, he was still in rehab with a serious injury.  When Doug asked on his blog if this intruding male was PP was when I realized what happened.  So if they released him in the area, no doubt he is trying to come home.  The question is, was the dead female they found his old mate and a new female took her place or did his mate kill another intruder.   

I dont' think this is going to end well, with 2 eggs lost already and fighting on-going.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 05:04 by carly »

Offline allikat

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Re: ON / Port Colborne - 2009 / Freedom & Treasure
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 20:30 »
Oh no!!!!

We need more room for our falcons so they are no more disputes!

Offline carly

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ON / Port Colborne - 2009-10
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 20:25 »

Oh no more bad news from Port Colbourne, Territorial dispute again in progress and 2 lost eggs out of 4...

Doug Garbutt Reports:
On April 25th a falcon was spotted chasing another falcon forcing it to within 6′ of the water. I think there are 3 falcons here & a dispute is in progress. When I returned to work on Monday 27th , the clutch of 4 eggs was reduced to 2! To add to that, after about 3 weeks of hard incubation (we barely had a chance to view any eggs during this time), the birds were off the eggs most of the day even although it was a warm 70 degrees. Today was the same thing, the birds were hardly on the eggs all day but the temp. was a cool 55 degrees. It was also obvious that the birds seemed a bit on edge. I’m not sure what this means for the chance of these eggs being viable but we’re still hoping