Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2009 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 347120 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1876 on: July 22, 2009, 09:13 »
Oh no!  Poor little guys!  Wasn't Mr White the one that came to ground last night already? 

I've seen one of them running up and down the roof ledge earlier this morning.  And yes hopefully little Miss will stay home another few days..she's still got the fluffies on her!

Thanks for the update!

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1875 on: July 22, 2009, 08:55 »
The start to another exciting day.  Bev was on her way early this AM when I got a call at 6:00 AM from security at UOFA that another young one (Mr. White) was down on the ground.  I rushed down there but Bev and one of the other fledge watchers had already retrieved the bird and Bev put it on the roof again.  He is now on the ledge below the nest box.  Miss Black is still in the nest box and has not fledged, thank God as the 3 of them are enough to handle right now.  Mr. Red and Mr. Yellow are currently out of sight somewhere.  Bev is at the scene and will call in with updates.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 08:58 by bev. »

Offline BirdLover

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1874 on: July 22, 2009, 07:04 »
These updates are great!  Thanks so much to the team on the ground there.  Hope your day goes much better than yesterday.

And put on LOTS of sunblock!!  :-*

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1873 on: July 22, 2009, 06:42 »
7:40 am EST and just arrived at work.  On Cam 1 view you can see one of the boys on the roof and Froona is looking over at him  :D

He keeps running up and down the ledge and flappericizing, wonder if he's going to try to make it back to the nestbox.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 06:44 by carly »

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1872 on: July 22, 2009, 05:12 »
Good morning!  Thanks for your great report Bev!!  It's 6:00 am EST and I can see Froona's silouette laying down in the nest box..not doubt she's exhausted after yesterday's excitement!

Your little guy sounds just like our little Mackenzie was.  Mac was the same way, flew one day and came down and was so shocked he didn't fly anywhere for 2 days. 

When I saw the one boy on the roof yesterday, it kept reminding me of when Cassie was up there last year.  That Radisson sure makes beautiful kids  :-*

Have a good day today!

Offline Alison

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1871 on: July 22, 2009, 00:12 »
The fledglings are beautiful. I hope everything goes well for all of them tomorrow.

Offline Alison

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1870 on: July 22, 2009, 00:05 »
Thank you so much for the updates and reports, Bev, Mr. Bev and Eli! Can't believe all three boys fledged already. I hope Froona waits for a few days, until she is ready.

A few pics from today:

Offline birdcamfan

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1869 on: July 21, 2009, 23:21 »
Great update Bev. You must be exhausted. What a unique experience!

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1868 on: July 21, 2009, 23:20 »
Bev!!  Such excitement.  Thanks to you and your husband for keeping us up to date here and through Carly.  Hope you get a great sleep to prepare for another action filled day tomorrow.  So nice to hear you were getting interested onlookers.  Way to go!!!

Offline Ellie

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1867 on: July 21, 2009, 23:19 »
Can't see she in the nest box with all the left over wings?  Hope the other three are fine.  You've had quite a day Bev..........need some zzzzzzzzzzzzz's now! :)

Offline msdolittle

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1866 on: July 21, 2009, 23:19 »
what an exciting day bev .. and mr bev.  the reports are great.  i love watching and hearing about Radisson and Damon and the kids.  :)

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1865 on: July 21, 2009, 23:09 »
Part 2

 Then  mom came around flying by with food. We believe she fed red band but not sure.

that is when the kids  started squawking up a storm.
Now Yellow band quickly is up and flew onto the same roof as red band. It was such a good flight that I thought the adult had flown there. He started cat walking like crazy,as if he had been doing it for years. Took years off my life that is for sure. :)

Then mom came with food  for yellow band and he grabbed it and went off the ledge onto the roof. I hope red band got some too.

Well a little bit later , I guess  white band thought he wanted some of the food also and he up and flew over.
We were gathering quite a crowd of  lookers by this point and everyone cheered and clapped.

Then both kids were cat walking and one was behind the cam

Eli thought this was so cute.
  mom came over and beak fed Yellow band by the cam. It was an AWwww moment.
and then yellow band went back on the roof and white band came over and mom beak fed it.

 All the time Froona is watching and we were hoping mom would go and give her some love also , but I guess mom knew Froona wa safe and wanted  the boys well fed.
So I came home to get cleaned up and Peter is stil down there as he said the boys keep coming back on the lede and cat walking.

I t was  quite  the day. One incident a day should be the  rule  ;D
so now we have to really watch that the boys fly well and that  they get fed.I think it will be a few days before we see red band fly. but if I do not see him , at least on the ledge tomorrow I  may  ask Gord to check him.
And my wish is that Froona waits at least until Sunday before she takes the leap of Faith. :-*

Eli may have more to add as my brain is fried.

Adn thanks Carly for taking our calls. We just did not want anyone wathcng the cams to worry :-*\
Night all
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 23:11 by bev. »

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1864 on: July 21, 2009, 22:52 »
Man oh Man. this kind of excitement , I do not need.  ;D ;D

When I got up this morning and saw Yellow band on the roof , I rushed down there. We will see how many photo radar tickets I get later. ::)
white band was still on the white platform .

So it seemed like it was going to be a quiet day. Yellow band was given a bit of a meal very early this morning. Mom came in and made a food drop to White band mid morning.
the 2 in the box were brought a small meal.

We sweltered in the heat as did the kids.
The one on to of the roof was a bit of a ham. White band lay low most of the day but he did some wing flapping when the shade took over . Then he came to life and kept looking down the roof.

I had a bit  of a bet with one of the construction workers that no one would fly today.
so after 4 pm I thought , I won.
Just then a falcon went straight down  from  the nest box and I thought veered up. so I thought it was an adult ,   Peter  said  he saw it go into the parkade but I did not. I thought it lifted up and over. (never thinking it was one of the kids) I have never seen one do anything like this on a first flight. All of a sudden the construction workers are shouting , one down in the parkade.
Well I froze at first and then we ran. Thank God for Peter.
 Poor little thing just stood there and Peter approached slowly and put the towel over its head and he lifted it into the box. We put it in my car and Gord Court arrived in 10  minutes. He checked it over and all was well . Just a little nick on the beak.
But Gord said he was a small little guy and was not ready to fly. so I think this is the youngest one.
We could not put it on the nest box roof ledge as the door was jammed so Gord said it will be O.K. on the other roof adjacent to the nest box and it would get fed first.

I held it while it was  in the  towel with its little head peeking out. My heart melted but I felt so sorry for it, going to be alone.

we went down and Gord left and that is when we noticed that below band was don with white band.

We need to watch more carefully tomorrow.
I think tht gold band knocked  red band out when she went  onto the white platform.
that is the only thing I can figure out.

Part 2 on nest page ;) ;)

Offline allikat

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1863 on: July 21, 2009, 20:42 »
Exciting!!!!!  Very exciting!

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #1862 on: July 21, 2009, 20:40 »
I can see one of the boys now on the roof!!!  Lol and refresh and he's gone!  He was right next to Froona in the distance  :P

Night everyone!  Bev and Peter and Eli, thanks for all your updates today's such a relief to know what is going on!  Get some rest  ;)

Oh and he's back <wave>  :-*
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 20:43 by carly »