Man oh Man. this kind of excitement , I do not need.

When I got up this morning and saw Yellow band on the roof , I rushed down there. We will see how many photo radar tickets I get later.

white band was still on the white platform .
So it seemed like it was going to be a quiet day. Yellow band was given a bit of a meal very early this morning. Mom came in and made a food drop to White band mid morning.
the 2 in the box were brought a small meal.
We sweltered in the heat as did the kids.
The one on to of the roof was a bit of a ham. White band lay low most of the day but he did some wing flapping when the shade took over . Then he came to life and kept looking down the roof.
I had a bit of a bet with one of the construction workers that no one would fly today.
so after 4 pm I thought , I won.
Just then a falcon went straight down from the nest box and I thought veered up. so I thought it was an adult , Peter said he saw it go into the parkade but I did not. I thought it lifted up and over. (never thinking it was one of the kids) I have never seen one do anything like this on a first flight. All of a sudden the construction workers are shouting , one down in the parkade.
Well I froze at first and then we ran.
Thank God for Peter. Poor little thing just stood there and Peter approached slowly and put the towel over its head and he lifted it into the box. We put it in my car and Gord Court arrived in 10 minutes. He checked it over and all was well . Just a little nick on the beak.
But Gord said he was a small little guy and was not ready to fly. so I think this is the youngest one.
We could not put it on the nest box roof ledge as the door was jammed so Gord said it will be O.K. on the other roof adjacent to the nest box and it would get fed first.
I held it while it was in the towel with its little head peeking out. My heart melted but I felt so sorry for it, going to be alone.
we went down and Gord left and that is when we noticed that below band was don with white band.
We need to watch more carefully tomorrow.
I think tht gold band knocked red band out when she went onto the white platform.
that is the only thing I can figure out.
Part 2 on nest page