Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2009 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 341444 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2116 on: July 27, 2009, 04:48 »
5:47 am EST and I see 2 of them in the dark.  One on top of the corner of the box and one on the wrungs!!  Now to go back and read the reports!

« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 04:55 by carly »

Offline BirdLover

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2115 on: July 27, 2009, 04:12 »
You all are just awesome!! Thank you so much for all the reports on our kids out in Edmonton.  It's just like being right there, your descriptions are so clear.

Keep up the great work!!

 :-* :-*

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2114 on: July 27, 2009, 00:44 »
Fabulous pictures Alison,  love the ones of Froona on the cam!
So nice to know she has company tonight.

Offline Alison

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2113 on: July 27, 2009, 00:41 »
Thank you so much to Mr. Bev, Bob, and all the fledge watchers for all the great reports! It's good to know that Mr. Red and Mr. Yellow are flying so well. I wish there had been some news of Mr. White.

Froona looks as if she may spend the night on top of the nest box. As it was getting quite dark, one of her brothers arrived to keep her company. It was too dark to be able to see bands.


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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2112 on: July 27, 2009, 00:32 »
One of the parents seems to have circled back to the nestbox while I wasn't watching because about 7:10, Red flew from the top of the nest box to the top of the Heart building. The parent flew from the nest box to the ledge below and Froona remained put. The parent had a good snack on the ledge below the nest box while (I think) Red got mad and squawked for awhile.  Froona stayed put ... but seems she had food because she ate some more just before we left at nine.

That's what I know.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 00:35 by bob »


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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2111 on: July 27, 2009, 00:28 »
Hi y'all.  Backwards Bob here. (I like it Carly, can I use it?) We were fortunate enough to see some flying.

I'll pick up where Mr. Bev left off (he was dealing with AMA at the time)

At about 5:45, one of the parents flew from the Heart building, swooped in front of the nest box and then back to the Heart building. About 15 minutes later, it returned bearing food. First it flew into the nest box, then out and came back almost immediatley to the top of the nest box and left food for Froona and Red. Bev said that Red had gorged all day, so he really didn't need any more. About 6:10, there was lots of flapping going on.

At about 6:30, Mama went to the top of another wing of the Clinical Sciences Building and squawked for awhile. Bev thought she was trying to get Froona to fly up to her (that's what she did last year for that female chick). Froona didn't budge. Shortly after 7, Papa flew up to the top of the b and alit behind Mama. She took off and flew over to the Heart buiding. That seemed to wake up the kids for it set off another round of stretching and flapping. Papa followed Mama to the Heart Building a few minutes later.  

Part 2 follows:

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2110 on: July 27, 2009, 00:27 »
Thank you so much Mr Bev for the report.  It does look like it is a peaceful night. Must be Froona then still on the roof.

Sleep well tonight, Bev!  A day of excitement likely tomorrow!

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2109 on: July 27, 2009, 00:22 »
Mr. Bev here.  The day today started off "relatively quiet".  One of the chicks was on the heart bldg.  The other was on CSB.  I am not identifying them as yet as it got a little confusing.  And as usual Froona started the day off flapping and squawking.  The adults came in and one of them flew into the nest box and forced Froona out on to the roof of the nest box.  Froona went back into the nest box and ate after adult left.  

The boys are becoming quite the flyers.  Mr. Yellow flew off the heart bldg. and flew around and ended up on the College Plaza.  From there he flew over to Father's usual perch where he stayed for quite some time.  He eventually flew back over to the heart building.  

This is when things got hectic and confusing.  The boys were all well fed throughout the day, especially Mr. Red.  When Mr. Yellow flew back, Mr. Red started flying and they both ended up in relatively the same place.  We confused the two for quite a while as the adults were flying around and feeding them.  We lost track of Mr. Red for a while but found him on the side of the CSB.  The two flew back and forth and we thought Mr. Yellow was Mr. Red and Mr. Red was Mr. Yellow as we could not see their bands.  Finally as you saw in the pictures that were posted today, Mr. Red was identified when he landed on the roof of the nest box and stayed with Froona.  We were able to see his band to identify him.  Thus ended most of the confusion.  As you can see in the pictures, Mr. Red and Froona touched beaks considerably.  They were always close as small chicks and seems that this is still the case.  Mr. Red stayed with Froona for quite some time.  

What was surpising was the way not only Mr. Yellow flew but how strong and well Mr. Red flew.  It was quite windy and they managed to fly around with little difficulty.  Only once did Bev try and help by flapping her arms from the ground.  Don't laugh!!  It seemed to work.  He made it.

Froona was quite upset during the evening as the boys spent a great deal of their time on the Heart bldg.  She squawked a lot.  The boys took a few more laps around the building and landed on the CSB.  Mom was on the window washer arm on top of the Heart bldg. watching all this.  Then, cheeky Mr. Red flew over and knocked her off her perch.  She flew around and landed again.  Mr. Red immediately knocked her off the perch again.  She had enough and left and perched on another bldg.  Things settled down a bit, but Froona still flapped on top of the nest box.  Finally, one of the boys flew over.  We had to leave at this point, so hope everything is quiet now.

I will be gone tomorrow , Bev will be calling some people to post on the Manitoba site as they are familiar with that forum.  

Carly if you have the time would you post what these people post on bird cams around the world.  If you don't have the time, I will try to post when I go home.

Froona should fly tomorrow so Bev should have an interesting day.  Should lose a few more pounds running.  What a way to diet, better than Jenny Craig.  Doesn't seem to work the same for me though.

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2108 on: July 27, 2009, 00:21 »
Looking at both cam 1 and cam 3, I'm very certain I see one on the far rung, but less certain that one is lying on the roof.  So, it looks like someone (Mr Red?) has come for the night to be with Froona.

Offline sami

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2107 on: July 26, 2009, 23:03 »
Saw Froona in the box earlier - don't blame her for moving out onto the roof for the day. She looked absolutely huge in the box. Is she bigger than Cassie was? It may well be just my memory of last year, but while Cassie was a good size, being an only chick, Froona looks to be even bigger.


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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2106 on: July 26, 2009, 22:53 »
Hello all!   Bob and I are just back from our "shift".  Bev, Peter, Becky and Dave were still there when we left as Ms. Froona waited until we'd decided that she had bedded down for the night and then she stood up and proceeded to eat (with GREAT gusto) some sort of tasty bit.

Anyway, I'm off to find a glass of wine.  I'm sure there's one nearby.  Mr. and Ms. Bev will be home shortly (she promised) and Mr. Bev will be giving a detailed update.  It was a fun evening.


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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2105 on: July 26, 2009, 20:53 »
I saw a lovley golden eagle up here the other day, have had no luck in finding out if we have any falcons around Whitehorse, still checking in with Renewable Resources.

I hope Froona is going to get some sleep for a big day tomorrow!

Offline Ellie

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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2104 on: July 26, 2009, 20:51 »
Sure hope she sleeps on the roof tonight as that nest box must be "hot and moving" not to mention the "aromas" from the heat!! ::)


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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2103 on: July 26, 2009, 20:50 »
That is Froona on the roof?   

Or is it one of the brothers?


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Re: U of Alberta - July 2009
« Reply #2102 on: July 26, 2009, 20:49 »
She seems to be looking around a bit up there!  Must like the view!