Yes Loriann, what you wrote is absolutely true and the Raven does symbolize change/transition.
I never wish or want any harm to any living creature, however, what I meant by destroying their nests (not if any eggs are in there), before the peregrines come back, maybe even one at a time, is to simply avoid a territorial dispute. Maybe you're right Loriann, they may no something we do not and I have no problem if they want to honor us with a visit but, would prefer for them to nest elsewhere.
On one hand, we get to witness how the Ravens court, live and raise their young....on the other, we don't get to watch Peregrines, an endangered species, raise their chicks so we can band them for further information and to raise their numbers for the future.
Peregrines are still in trouble and I'm just concerned that there will be a battle for this nest....which some can be to the death.