It is not until this time that the peregrines here return. the female was sighted last year around April3. So any day now. We are expecting snow tonight so....
by the way the note I had on the crows was not from the biologists I deal with, it was from another biologist . In any event, the raven made a quick appearance just now, but we will wait and see.
I do not wish these ravens any harm or the peregrines. I guess that is one reason why i am concerned. I may come across as a non lover of Ravens. that is not so, I just do not like them in my small area . they are very intelligent and if you ever see their eyes, they are so bright and they have the shiniest black coat.
So today is another day at the soaps of Edmonton. the Manitoba falcons came a bit later last year , so she may appear later this year.
I do not know if I mentioned that the transmitter female was still in Columbia as of End of March. she does not make her move home until about now.

Have a great day everyone