I am j ust back .
well we did see the pair.
We went up to the to of the parkade and looked all around . No falcons yet.
We looked all over for the ravens and no sign of them around the nest box and where they were getting their stuff form to build the nest.
So we went to Timmies and on our way there I looked up and there they were. flying close together over our heads.
They went over by the building where Cassie and Hope stooped pigeons.( Newton Place) The female stopped on top of the building(I think) and the male went on top of the Suite hotel.That is the place where I had a picture of mom last year, at the end of the season,r on the moon.
One of us should have stayed back but we both went to look and see if I could see the female. The male stayed on the top of the suite Hotel for about 7-8 minutes. So you know she was around close and then he flew off. I tried to follow to see where they went but I am out of running shape

We did not see them go in the direction of the nest box, but hey could have circled around
So it had to be them because they came from behind us. There are several places that would make good nesting places. (I hope not on top of the building where I think the female went.) Maintenance workers go up there quite often I will keep my eyes peeled for them when ever i am down there. I think they went down from the hotel but cannot be sure.
My husband says I cannot save the whole bird population.

but I sure try.
On my way home, I went up to the top of the parkade again and did not see anyone but pigeons and Magpies. By the way , the reason I looked up to begin with as the pigeons all scattered at Newton Place, so I knew something was up.
Something in the nest that was not there before. Maybe they did not find a good spot and are going to try again

I will keep checking.)
I will go down on Friday or Saturday an dcheck for the falcons again.