WE were there for over 2 hours this afternoon. No sign of Ravens at the nest site or falcons.
We did not expect to see the falcons. You have to go in the morning or late at night, now that the male is back.
I sure hope we do not see the ravens on screen again.
This is why.
I think if they use their heads, they have been given a buy here.
We were leaving and had driven off to go to the bird store About 4:20pm Edmonton time) and as we were on the road, we saw 2 ravens in a field behind the Corbett hall.
Peter was kind enough to go down the road and park on a side street so I could go and take a gander.
I know it was them. the female hands down. I do not know if you noticed but she had a feather sticking out at some angles. And I have been watching her like you have and it was her.
It was too much of a coincidence for it not to be them. They fed in the field(you will see the field if you go down ELI)
They then mated. Yup, right in front of me. The female flew up onto the back part of Corbett hall and the male continued to feed. (Eli this is the part that faces the parking lot behind Corbett hall). The male soon flew up to the to the right of her and they went down on the roof, and then the male flew off , quite low, and then the female flew off. I could not run quick enough to see whee, but I am hoping it was not the clinical science building.( I will smack them if they do). I could not see them high in the sky in that area.
I went around the corner and there is a nest in a tree right beside Corbett hall but if she was in there , I could not see and he would be down on the roof.
But I really think they went off west.
Peter and I thought when we were down on the ground this afternoon that we saw 2 ravens fly in that direction. If it was them ,it would make sense becasue they would have come from the area of the field.
I ran back to the parkade and up on the roof and I could not see them in the box or anywhere around, so my fingers are crossed.
I got my exercise today.
So I am here for the falcons, but today I thought I would look for all of you.
So I am hoping they have left and that the falcons can get on with it.
I will be very disappointed if they come back.
tomorrow I will go in the evening.