Manitoba Peregrines > McKenzie Seeds Peregrines
McKenzie Seeds - 2008 / Zeus & Holly
Lucky you, BirdLover! And I applaud your ability to get into your car and head for work because you were supposed to be there -- not sure I could have! "I'm sorry, I accidentally locked my keys in the car and had to wait for CAA." LOL
I would most likely live on the sidewalks just to capture the
There are lots of great angles to see them from too!
Photos of the Brandon Peregrines and Banding will be coming shortly.
Cheers !
I am very much looking forward to seeing those little guys up close and personal through your lens.
Thanks Dennis
Lucky the Brandon location. If I lived in Brandon...I would most likely live on the sidewalks just to capture the
Photos of the Brandon Peregrines and Banding will be coming shortly.
Cheers !
--- Quote from: BirdLover on July 16, 2008, 20:51 ---Every morning I drive through downtown Brandon after dropping my son at work, and every morning I look up at the nest box on the side of the building where our resident Peregrines nest. Yesterday when I looked up, it looked a little bare.
This morning I decided to stop at the coffee shop to grab a java to take to work. I parked on the main street downtown and when I was plugging the meter I looked up at the building where the nest is and, low and behold, right in front of me on a building ledge right across the street and three or four stories up, there was a peregrine with its back to me, feeding. I couldn't tell whether it was a parent or fledgling as it was hunched over with its back to me. I stood and watched it for a bit and then went in and got my coffee.
When I came back out, of course I had to look up again to see if the feeder was still there. Much to my surprise there was a fledgling sitting about 20 feet over on the same ledge and looking down at me, then looking at the other bird. I was stopped in my tracks by the sight of the fledgling because I couldn't believe how large it looked. I watched them for a minute but then had to get to work. I got into my car and closed the door, but when I looked back up they had gone.
I'm so amazed by those quick moments in life when we get a glimpse into nature. such beautiful creatures, these Peregrines.
--- End quote ---
Every morning I drive through downtown Brandon after dropping my son at work, and every morning I look up at the nest box on the side of the building where our resident Peregrines nest. Yesterday when I looked up, it looked a little bare.
This morning I decided to stop at the coffee shop to grab a java to take to work. I parked on the main street downtown and when I was plugging the meter I looked up at the building where the nest is and, low and behold, right in front of me on a building ledge right across the street and three or four stories up, there was a peregrine with its back to me, feeding. I couldn't tell whether it was a parent or fledgling as it was hunched over with its back to me. I stood and watched it for a bit and then went in and got my coffee.
When I came back out, of course I had to look up again to see if the feeder was still there. Much to my surprise there was a fledgling sitting about 20 feet over on the same ledge and looking down at me, then looking at the other bird. I was stopped in my tracks by the sight of the fledgling because I couldn't believe how large it looked. I watched them for a minute but then had to get to work. I got into my car and closed the door, but when I looked back up they had gone.
I'm so amazed by those quick moments in life when we get a glimpse into nature. such beautiful creatures, these Peregrines.
I had already gone to bed when you posted this last night. Thanks so much for the photos, Dennis!
and btw -- I have a HUGE soft spot for pansies. I just love IMG_0632-1001.jpg -- look at all those cheerful faces smiling at you!!!
And the hummingbird, the oriole, and..... all of them!
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