Earlier today, oh around 12 my time , so 10 a.m. for Elk River, there was a lot of excitement. I could not post either. But anyhow,, Mom I think was doing some training. Coming in with food, Lightning woud jump in the box from the rail , and sass her something fierce, even nipped at her feet, and Mom had to jump and then go out on rail. Mom sat there, with food, then she got the food in her talons and took off. Lightning shut up then, she was just a yapping the whole time in the box. Lightning jumped out on the rail , watched her Mom flying around, then she took off, first time I seen her fly, then Mom comes back, could here the little one flying and screeching down below. Then she came back, Mom took off, lots of rail hopping, and another sibing was there too maybe both,, just lots of coming and going, and Mom lugging this food around. Seen the juvies flying down below a couple different times. Really neat.