You guys might want to pace yourselves, there are always things to worry about when it comes to peregrines

As for foot injuries ...
if she can't stand, she's a goner
if she can stand and is still alive after the first year, she's doing better than 70% of the other peregrines hatched in her year
if she can stand, is alive after a couple of years, has had and raised young successfully, you can worry less, experience is a very good thing
As for territorial disputes...
alot (not all or not all the time) is sound and fury, dominance displays if you like. If one doesn't back down, then it gets a bit hairy and there is spitting and talons etc. And yes some disputes are to the death. They are also gender specific - females fight females, males fight males. So the bird that turned up that isn't 30/B, it could be the male, both genders are involved in nestsite selection and in nestbuilding (ie: making the scrape/scrapes) remember. If it is another female, 30/B may dig her talons in so as not to show weakness to a competitor. And if she can hunt/feed for herself, she can probably escort some usurping floozy out of her territory.
Think happy thoughts folks ...