You're very welcome! You won't see her there 24/7 until incubation starts but one of them will always be nearby until then.
At my site, after the eyases had hatched ... whenever I'd see the young alone, I'd get upset and think mom had abandoned them until I found the nest site and saw that mom was sitting right up on top of the web cam and dad on the next ledge there I was calling her a bad mom 
I can probably confirm that one of them is always near by on guard. I think it was the day that the first egg appeared. It was sitting there in solitary splendor with no adult within sight when one of those perky starlings decided to come by for a visit.

It hopped on to the near bar and was looking into the nestbox. About 2 seconds later mom arrived in a flurry of wings. Needless to say the starling took off in a great hurry and I haven't seen one visiting since. I have to say that mom didn't seem overly concerned though, just watchful.