They don't respond to all the emails is probably more accurate. Remember there is easily a 100 to 1 ratio - for everyone 1 of you, there are another 100 people watching in that same minute. In a month or so, it may well be more than that. Less frustrating for you to just send an email with the information and your name and assume they will not have time to get back to everyone, particularly if 99 out of every 100 emails they get is about the same thing. That's why I try to post updates here and on the blog (now that I have control again!) because there is no way I would be able to get back to everyone who emailed during technical difficulties ...
oops, missed this ... and a number of places have no intentions of maintaining email update lists or the like because they don't have the time or inclination (or their employer's don't).
If something serious - and no, the cam not working isn't one of them - pm/email me and I can see about passing along a message to project person I was talking to last year. Serious qualifies as death, mayhem & destruction - remember the media axiom, "if it bleeds, it leads"? - add flooding and fire and you get the idea