From the Midwest Peregrine Society FB Site (
Celebrating 33 years of Success
On this date, the Midwestern US celebrated their FIRST successful hatch of a wild peregrine falcon, who would survive long enough to fledge. Not only did "Maud" survive long enough to fledge, but she survived and was a successful breeding female in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Maud hatched and fledged from the Multifoods Tower in downtown Minneapolis. Her parents were both hacked birds (mother was MF-1, who was released at Multifoods Tower in 1986 and dad was Billy Ray, who was released at Weaver Dunes near the Mississippi River in 1983). She was the only egg to hatch from the clutch produced in the wild, so she had two siblings added to her nest box for companionship.
Maud, we salute you!