Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Toronto - King Street - 2008-15

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Still incubating here:

 King St., incubating, I think
March 30, 2010 - Toronto - King Street
Linda Woods Reports:
This latest image, captured this evening shows the female just a the bottome of the camera image. Every year they put they eggs down , just out of camera view. I think with this image with can believe that they are in incubation. Just have to wait for the egg count.


One adult made a visit to the nest this afternoon; later both were there for one pic only:



--- Quote from: bev. on December 31, 2009, 13:36 ---Who are Majestic's parents.

--- End quote ---

Ok he fixed it - it was the name that threw him off, Majesty is the last surviving (of the last 5 in that hatch) falcon born to Victoria and Pounce-Kingsley at King Street - the first nesting pair in Toronto in over 100 years.  You probably remember them Bev, they had a tragic ending here and were much, much beloved.  Long before I knew what a PF was but the story still brings a tear to my eye.

Who are Majestic's parents.


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